Hey DN, welcome back!
And for what it's worth, I very much use and enjoy NOM. Support for it would be greatly appreciated.
I also would like to say... my
first experience beating the game was with Greater Dwemer Ruins installed, and it was an
absolute blast, especially the ending sequence. It was a gaming experience I will never forget. I just thought you should know that. My mind knows no other version of the end of the game than yours. Some day I'll go back and play the vanilla version just to see how much you added. I also have tremendous respect for your level design and aesthetics; I felt like the entire area was laid out like a really good Half Life 1 level(s), with environmental puzzles and all. The grid-based areas with secret sliding doors was also masterfully done.
Ok, I'll stop bowing down now.

I'm glad you're looking into using BTB's script fixes. When playing your GDR for the first time, I also found several cells that are pitch black, I believe because of a fog / lighting issue with the cell data. I hope that you will be looking into this as well? I don't have a list of the cells in question but could provide them if asked.
Also, along with NoM, please investigate supporting http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1344967-rel-mountainous-red-mountain/. He's already released a compatibility patch for GDR v1, and I'd like to see it continued to be supported.
Again, thank you for the hard work and providing an epic and memorable end to my game.