Thread #1:
Shortly after the events in Skyrim, where the last dragonborn defeated Alduin and the dragons, The seers of the tsaesci all recieved a similar warning. That some strange new threat was coming to tsaesci lands, and that only by seeking a set of lost artifacts known only as "The Fangs of The Tsaesci". It is unknown what these artifacts are, or where they lie. What was clear in the vision was that in order to find them all, the help of other races would be needed in order to use or find the Fangs. After much arguing and politics, which took place in the usual way (see Tsaesci society later on), it was decided to break their isolation and seek help for their continued survival, even if it means having to make peace with the empire once again
To do so, several boats were sent out, each with a notable Tsaesci representative and crew, to find people that would be willing to cooperate with them to save their race. This is where the RPers come in. We will be members of the crew or people that were picked up in one of these boats, who will be taken to the land of the Tsaesci, to help them, study them, or whatever your character's motivations may be.
In this RP, the characters will either start off already on the boat, or being picked up at the final stop before the return to the tsaesci homeland, whichever makes the most sense for the first characters. characters who join later on in the rp would essentially replace NPC already with the group, to prevent the akward situation of finding out why a random person is wandering around akavir.
all tyes of characters are welcome, warriors, scholars, bards, as long as you can find a good enough reason for them to come, they'll be welcome
I'm planning for the group to encounter several races that, while mentioned, are never actually shown in an elder scrolls game. chief among these, are the tsaesci, the Imga, the Maormer, and potentially even the Lilmothiit. Unfortunately, these races have never truly been fleshed out by Bethesda.
This means that I have taken it upon myself to make educated guesses pull out of my ass a good bit of information about them. As a result, this isn't exactly a lore-friendly RP. Those who will be bothered by this need not apply. I promise I will do my best to give all of these races a believable society, as well as other aspects of their race.
I will accept suggestions for changes and alterations with due consideration. by no means will I accet everyone's suggestions, but if it seems to make more sense than what I have come up with I will attempt to find a way to implement it. So far, I've only managed to write up the details of the Tsaesci, but I will write up the others as we come across them in the rp. For basic reference, here are their pages on the wiki
Now, first things first, this is the part that will contain my interpretations of their cultures/appearance. these will be added as they are needed in the RP
The Tsaesci: A race that comes in two forms. The first form is similar to man and mer in body shape, with green or golden scales covering the back and upper arms. Their eyes are typically vertical slits, with a varying colors of the iris. Their hair is often grown long, even on males, and can be many colors, though the predominant colors are blonde and platinum blonde. Their teeth are often sharper than those of other races, though not as much as a khajiit or argonians. They can be as tall as Altmer, but rarely as short as a typical Bosmer. A feature all tsaesci share is a forked tongue, which can "taste" the air, augmenting their sense of smell.-----
The second form, referred to as a "Bonded" by other tsaesci, is slightly less common than their more ordinary brethren. from the waist up, they are reminiscent of other tsaesci, though may have more snakelike features up to and including fangs(sometimes venomous), more noticeable scales, and on semi-rare occasions a cobra-like hood. The scales on their backs are more pronounced, even forming patterns. From the waist down, their legs have been replaced by the tail of a snake, which they use both for movement and during combat as a weapon of constriction. This tail adds almost a foot to their "standing" height and several feet to overall length; starting from where the feet would normally end, it can add up to three quarters of their legs' original length.-----
Physiology: Bonded and nonbonded tsaecsci can breed and produce a child, which will take the form of the mother. This is unusual because bonded tsaesci produce eggs, while the normal tsaesci do not. it is unkown if this would also be viable between a tsaesci and argonian, or any race for that matter. Due to the heat of their desert or jungle environment, the boast a resistance to fire, although at the cost of being weak to frost, in a Bonded tsaesci, both of these traits are greatly increased, causing them to be nearly immune to flames, while being deathly weak to cold, both environmental and magical. The bonded tsaesci with fangs, often possess a unique paralytic toxin, injected through the hollow pointed fangs in their mouths, which can be retracted in a manner exactly like a snake. They are often sluggish in cooler temperatures, especially the bonded, and need higher temperatures to function normally.----
Architecture: the tsaesci will build large cities, with the different districts in rings around the central palace, where the city's leaders reside. in the ring closest to the palace, paradoxically, is the poorer areas of the city, followed by the richer districts, and the merchant districts on the outer ring. This is to ensure that the leaders see the problems in the city and can attempt to fix them, instead of ignoring them because they are never seen. The palaces are large and grand, often built in rounded shapes featuring points on top. the normal buildings are usually made out of sandstone or adobe, and rarely have more than two stories.----
Society: TheTsaesci have a primarily militant society, which puts a high focus on personal honor. Performing one's tasks exceptionally well, or going above and beyond frequently will raise one's standing in society, to the point where even a very poor tsaesci can be respected by nobles. All tsaesci are raised to fight from day one, and are typically proficient in their chosen weapon and profession, whether their choice is a scimitar or magic. To a tsaesci, there is an honorable and a dishonorable way to complete any task. Even thieves are respected for the skill it takes to steal from another. ----
Personal arguments between tseasci are often resolved through a duel, where the two agree upon terms of the fight and fight until one either concedes victory or can no longer stand. at which point, the victor has won the argument as well as the fight. If the opponent fought with honor, obeying the agreed upon terms, it is common courtesy to heal them, or alternatively finding someone to do so if the victor lacks the skill. It is also true that political and legal arguments are solved in the same manner, though on a larger scale. the Grand palace is built around an arena for this purpose. supporters of each side line up and fight until one is left standing. this person's viewpoint determines the final outcome. Tsaesci rarely die in these battle royales, but it can happen, and each goes into the arena knowing the risks.----
Tsaesci, despite being so violent, are also friendly and trusting. they see violence as a necessary part of life, but not the only part. They often welcome others into the their homes, providing food and entertainment for their guests. However, many are hesitant to break the centuries old isolation that they have only recently decided to break due to the seer's prophecy. Any newcomers should not be surprised if they are treated with a certain level of distrust, though unless a tsaesci is directly offended one needn't worry about conflict.----
The second form, referred to as a "Bonded" by other tsaesci, is slightly less common than their more ordinary brethren. from the waist up, they are reminiscent of other tsaesci, though may have more snakelike features up to and including fangs(sometimes venomous), more noticeable scales, and on semi-rare occasions a cobra-like hood. The scales on their backs are more pronounced, even forming patterns. From the waist down, their legs have been replaced by the tail of a snake, which they use both for movement and during combat as a weapon of constriction. This tail adds almost a foot to their "standing" height and several feet to overall length; starting from where the feet would normally end, it can add up to three quarters of their legs' original length.-----
Physiology: Bonded and nonbonded tsaecsci can breed and produce a child, which will take the form of the mother. This is unusual because bonded tsaesci produce eggs, while the normal tsaesci do not. it is unkown if this would also be viable between a tsaesci and argonian, or any race for that matter. Due to the heat of their desert or jungle environment, the boast a resistance to fire, although at the cost of being weak to frost, in a Bonded tsaesci, both of these traits are greatly increased, causing them to be nearly immune to flames, while being deathly weak to cold, both environmental and magical. The bonded tsaesci with fangs, often possess a unique paralytic toxin, injected through the hollow pointed fangs in their mouths, which can be retracted in a manner exactly like a snake. They are often sluggish in cooler temperatures, especially the bonded, and need higher temperatures to function normally.----
Architecture: the tsaesci will build large cities, with the different districts in rings around the central palace, where the city's leaders reside. in the ring closest to the palace, paradoxically, is the poorer areas of the city, followed by the richer districts, and the merchant districts on the outer ring. This is to ensure that the leaders see the problems in the city and can attempt to fix them, instead of ignoring them because they are never seen. The palaces are large and grand, often built in rounded shapes featuring points on top. the normal buildings are usually made out of sandstone or adobe, and rarely have more than two stories.----
Society: TheTsaesci have a primarily militant society, which puts a high focus on personal honor. Performing one's tasks exceptionally well, or going above and beyond frequently will raise one's standing in society, to the point where even a very poor tsaesci can be respected by nobles. All tsaesci are raised to fight from day one, and are typically proficient in their chosen weapon and profession, whether their choice is a scimitar or magic. To a tsaesci, there is an honorable and a dishonorable way to complete any task. Even thieves are respected for the skill it takes to steal from another. ----
Personal arguments between tseasci are often resolved through a duel, where the two agree upon terms of the fight and fight until one either concedes victory or can no longer stand. at which point, the victor has won the argument as well as the fight. If the opponent fought with honor, obeying the agreed upon terms, it is common courtesy to heal them, or alternatively finding someone to do so if the victor lacks the skill. It is also true that political and legal arguments are solved in the same manner, though on a larger scale. the Grand palace is built around an arena for this purpose. supporters of each side line up and fight until one is left standing. this person's viewpoint determines the final outcome. Tsaesci rarely die in these battle royales, but it can happen, and each goes into the arena knowing the risks.----
Tsaesci, despite being so violent, are also friendly and trusting. they see violence as a necessary part of life, but not the only part. They often welcome others into the their homes, providing food and entertainment for their guests. However, many are hesitant to break the centuries old isolation that they have only recently decided to break due to the seer's prophecy. Any newcomers should not be surprised if they are treated with a certain level of distrust, though unless a tsaesci is directly offended one needn't worry about conflict.----
so who's interested? any questions or clarifications are quite welcome.
Character sheet format. Standard rules, no ubering, no character controlling, etc. etc. If you wish to leave the RP, I will control your character until I find a suitable way to kill them off.
Class (what would you describe your character as?):
Skills and known spells (if any):
Clothing / armor:
Miscellaneous items:
Major flaw:
Background: make sure to include a reason for the character wanting to go on the journey
Below, I will post all accepted character sheets. sheets may be posted in the OOC threads or PMed to me or any other GMs I appoint should I need them.
My character:
Name: Saresh
Age: 28
Race: Tsaesci (Bonded)
Gender: Male
Height: "standing" height; 6'5", Full height; 7'4"
Birthsign: The Atronach
Appearance: Saresh is a bonded tsaesci with retractable venomous fangs, which when not in use lie flat against the roof of his mouth like a snake's fangs, and a Cobra's hood. He appears more serpentine than human, even on his upper half. The top of his head, his upper arms and entire back, and his tail are all covered in bright gold scales, and white scales make patterns on his back and hood. The front side of his tail has large, horizontal scales that he uses to move around, again, just like a snake. His eyes are a golden color, with a vertically slitted pupil. HIs torso has a somewhat large build, emphasizing strength while not sacrificing too much speed. His tail is also muscular, as thick around as his waist at it's thickest. While speaking, he may hiss slightly on 's' sounds due to the forked tongue that occassionally flits in and out of his mouth
Class: Tsaesci Warrior
Skills and known spells: One-handed(dual wielding), can use restoration to seal simple wounds on himself and others, light armor, leadership experience
clothing/armor: he wears a strange light armor on his chest and shoulders. A dark green color, almost black, it looks and feels like an organic substance. it is actually specially treated pieces of a certain species of cactus that grows in the desert. when treated properly, it creates a substance that is similar in strength to a very hard piece of amber: strong, with a bit of flexibility and a very light weight. Another, more flexible piece protects what would be his upper thighs and groin. He also wears a pendant of the same material, shaped like a lotus flower.
Weapons: twin steel scimitars that he is very proficient with. the handles are shaped to look like snakes, with the bottom of the hilts shaped into a snake's head, baring fangs.
Miscellaneous items: lotus pendant
Personality: saresh, like most tsaesci, is respectful and honorable. He tends to be a bit abrupt when speaking to other races, as he is ot used to dealing with (understandably). but it's evident that under his no-nonsense military exterior, there is a softer side to him. The lotus flower pendant he wears was given to him by his mate in the tsaesci capitol, to remind him of her and his home. While he himself is military, he understands that many of the people on the ship aren't soldiers, and thus keeps a relatively loose hold of on-board happenings between people on board, trusting them to resolve their own conflicts, though he will step in if it affects himself or his crew. He is deeply protective of those under his command, and takes any man lost as a deep personal loss. Those who accompany him often on missions and/or prove themselves capable will earn his trust and respect.
Major flaw: Though he tries not to show it, he can be somewhat sentimental. He is willing to put himself in harm's way to protect those who cannot protect themselves, but will show no such favor to those he has deemed dishonorable
Background: Born in the tsaesci capitol of Lotra (yes, this is completely made up), at a young age he, like all tsaesci, was enlisted in the military. his natural skill and sense of honor allowed him to quickly rise in rank, eventually becoming the equivalent of a legate in the empire's ranking system. it was at this time, he was allowed to retire as a prominent member of the city. It was at this time he met his mate, Kadara (another bonded who I may post a sheet for and control later). He has fathered a child with Kadara, and said child is currently enlisted in the military and is currently training for combat. He was in the capitol when the seers all began speaking of the "Fangs of the Tsaesci", and he was one of the candidates for heading the trip to Tamriel to ask for help. he gladly accepted and is currently on the ship. He resides in the captain's quarters, near the aft of the ship. And while he is available to answer questions and requests, he does not appreciate entering without permission.
Name: Saresh
Age: 28
Race: Tsaesci (Bonded)
Gender: Male
Height: "standing" height; 6'5", Full height; 7'4"
Birthsign: The Atronach
Appearance: Saresh is a bonded tsaesci with retractable venomous fangs, which when not in use lie flat against the roof of his mouth like a snake's fangs, and a Cobra's hood. He appears more serpentine than human, even on his upper half. The top of his head, his upper arms and entire back, and his tail are all covered in bright gold scales, and white scales make patterns on his back and hood. The front side of his tail has large, horizontal scales that he uses to move around, again, just like a snake. His eyes are a golden color, with a vertically slitted pupil. HIs torso has a somewhat large build, emphasizing strength while not sacrificing too much speed. His tail is also muscular, as thick around as his waist at it's thickest. While speaking, he may hiss slightly on 's' sounds due to the forked tongue that occassionally flits in and out of his mouth
Class: Tsaesci Warrior
Skills and known spells: One-handed(dual wielding), can use restoration to seal simple wounds on himself and others, light armor, leadership experience
clothing/armor: he wears a strange light armor on his chest and shoulders. A dark green color, almost black, it looks and feels like an organic substance. it is actually specially treated pieces of a certain species of cactus that grows in the desert. when treated properly, it creates a substance that is similar in strength to a very hard piece of amber: strong, with a bit of flexibility and a very light weight. Another, more flexible piece protects what would be his upper thighs and groin. He also wears a pendant of the same material, shaped like a lotus flower.
Weapons: twin steel scimitars that he is very proficient with. the handles are shaped to look like snakes, with the bottom of the hilts shaped into a snake's head, baring fangs.
Miscellaneous items: lotus pendant
Personality: saresh, like most tsaesci, is respectful and honorable. He tends to be a bit abrupt when speaking to other races, as he is ot used to dealing with (understandably). but it's evident that under his no-nonsense military exterior, there is a softer side to him. The lotus flower pendant he wears was given to him by his mate in the tsaesci capitol, to remind him of her and his home. While he himself is military, he understands that many of the people on the ship aren't soldiers, and thus keeps a relatively loose hold of on-board happenings between people on board, trusting them to resolve their own conflicts, though he will step in if it affects himself or his crew. He is deeply protective of those under his command, and takes any man lost as a deep personal loss. Those who accompany him often on missions and/or prove themselves capable will earn his trust and respect.
Major flaw: Though he tries not to show it, he can be somewhat sentimental. He is willing to put himself in harm's way to protect those who cannot protect themselves, but will show no such favor to those he has deemed dishonorable
Background: Born in the tsaesci capitol of Lotra (yes, this is completely made up), at a young age he, like all tsaesci, was enlisted in the military. his natural skill and sense of honor allowed him to quickly rise in rank, eventually becoming the equivalent of a legate in the empire's ranking system. it was at this time, he was allowed to retire as a prominent member of the city. It was at this time he met his mate, Kadara (another bonded who I may post a sheet for and control later). He has fathered a child with Kadara, and said child is currently enlisted in the military and is currently training for combat. He was in the capitol when the seers all began speaking of the "Fangs of the Tsaesci", and he was one of the candidates for heading the trip to Tamriel to ask for help. he gladly accepted and is currently on the ship. He resides in the captain's quarters, near the aft of the ship. And while he is available to answer questions and requests, he does not appreciate entering without permission.
Kadara (Saresh's mate)
Name: Kadara
Age: 27
Race: Tsaesci (bonded)
Gender: Female
Height 6'3" "Standing", full height 6'11"
Birthsign: The Lady
Appearance: A mostly human upper body, with a curved figure. The scales on her back, upper arms and tail have a metallic green tint to them. Her eyes are yellow with vertically slit pupils. She lacks a cobra hood, and instead has tresses of long, straight, black hair flowing from her head. She has a young, attractive face, reminiscent of an Imperial, and her manner radiates confidence and grace. The skin on her torso is tanned, but not as dark as one would expect in the desert. She has black lines that make patterns down her back and tail.
Class: Tsaesci Warrior
Skills/known Spells: Is deadly with spear weapons and tridents, can heal minor wounds on herself or others, wears light armor. Kadara is just as capable at leadership as her mate, and is exceptionally good at convincing others to her way of thinking.
Clothing/Armor: when not in a combat situation, Kadara will wear a white shirt that still shows some skin while retaining her decency and modesty. Around her waist, she will wear a sash with a sort of skirt (think egyptian here) that covers between what would be her upper thighs and her waist. she often wears golden bangles on her wrists, and occasionally a golden circlet on her head. She is never seen without a pendant, made out of amber found in Akavir's jungles and in the shape of a desert scorpion.
When in a combat situation, She will wear armor similar to the set worn by Saresh, though shaped for her body, rather than a male's. It covers the chest, upper abdomen, shoulders, wrists, and a special plate is created to cover the upper tail/waist region.
Weapons: In contrast to her mate's twin scimitars, Kadara opts to wield a trident into battle, using her natural flexibility as a tsaesci to great advantage. The trident itself has a long shaft, made out of wood from Akavir's jungle trees and strengthened with rings of steel placed periodically along it's length. The head of the trident has three, heavily serrated and spiked prongs, made out of high quality steel. To many, it would be an intimidating weapon.
Miscellaneous items: except for her scorpion pendant, she rarely carries anything other than her trident.
Personality: There are none who would describe Kadara as meek or subdued. She has a fiery personality, always ready to fight for what she believes in, with violence as well as words, if necessary. She has had quite a few arguments with Saresh, and has won her fair share of them. She shares Saresh's sense of honor, and either would give their lives to protect the other. Most tsaesci would say she is beautiful, and she knows it. She Doesn't let it go to her head, however, and is in fact, more level-headed than many, including her husband. She is wise beyond her years, and has kept Saresh from making bad decisions many times. She was always in support of breaking the isolation, even before the seer's prophecy, and would be more welcoming than most of outsiders
Major Flaw: Kadara is incredibly stubborn, and often will refuse to concede defeat until after several rounds of "arguing" (in the tsaesci way, of course).
Background: Unlike Saresh, Kadara was born in the Jungles bordering the desert of Akavir. She lived there until she was old enough to go out on her own, at which time she immediately left for the capitol, where she enlisted and soon encountered Saresh. For many years, they considered each other rivals and they sought to beat one another in as many ways as possible. they were constant sparring partners and rose through the ranks at nearly the same pace. eventually, this rivalry turned to friendship, and eventually love. They became joined, and have since reared a child, who is currently training in the military. When the Seer's call came, she and Saresh had a best 2 out of 3 "argument" to decide who would lead a ship to Tamriel. Upon her loss, she accepted her defeat with almost uncharacteristic graciousness, and didn't challenge the matter further. Though she has grown restless, and cannot sit idly by much longer. She plans on joining Saresh on his journey as soon as possible. She is currently residing in her ans Saresh's estate in the Tsaesci capitol city.
Name: Kadara
Age: 27
Race: Tsaesci (bonded)
Gender: Female
Height 6'3" "Standing", full height 6'11"
Birthsign: The Lady
Appearance: A mostly human upper body, with a curved figure. The scales on her back, upper arms and tail have a metallic green tint to them. Her eyes are yellow with vertically slit pupils. She lacks a cobra hood, and instead has tresses of long, straight, black hair flowing from her head. She has a young, attractive face, reminiscent of an Imperial, and her manner radiates confidence and grace. The skin on her torso is tanned, but not as dark as one would expect in the desert. She has black lines that make patterns down her back and tail.
Class: Tsaesci Warrior
Skills/known Spells: Is deadly with spear weapons and tridents, can heal minor wounds on herself or others, wears light armor. Kadara is just as capable at leadership as her mate, and is exceptionally good at convincing others to her way of thinking.
Clothing/Armor: when not in a combat situation, Kadara will wear a white shirt that still shows some skin while retaining her decency and modesty. Around her waist, she will wear a sash with a sort of skirt (think egyptian here) that covers between what would be her upper thighs and her waist. she often wears golden bangles on her wrists, and occasionally a golden circlet on her head. She is never seen without a pendant, made out of amber found in Akavir's jungles and in the shape of a desert scorpion.
When in a combat situation, She will wear armor similar to the set worn by Saresh, though shaped for her body, rather than a male's. It covers the chest, upper abdomen, shoulders, wrists, and a special plate is created to cover the upper tail/waist region.
Weapons: In contrast to her mate's twin scimitars, Kadara opts to wield a trident into battle, using her natural flexibility as a tsaesci to great advantage. The trident itself has a long shaft, made out of wood from Akavir's jungle trees and strengthened with rings of steel placed periodically along it's length. The head of the trident has three, heavily serrated and spiked prongs, made out of high quality steel. To many, it would be an intimidating weapon.
Miscellaneous items: except for her scorpion pendant, she rarely carries anything other than her trident.
Personality: There are none who would describe Kadara as meek or subdued. She has a fiery personality, always ready to fight for what she believes in, with violence as well as words, if necessary. She has had quite a few arguments with Saresh, and has won her fair share of them. She shares Saresh's sense of honor, and either would give their lives to protect the other. Most tsaesci would say she is beautiful, and she knows it. She Doesn't let it go to her head, however, and is in fact, more level-headed than many, including her husband. She is wise beyond her years, and has kept Saresh from making bad decisions many times. She was always in support of breaking the isolation, even before the seer's prophecy, and would be more welcoming than most of outsiders
Major Flaw: Kadara is incredibly stubborn, and often will refuse to concede defeat until after several rounds of "arguing" (in the tsaesci way, of course).
Background: Unlike Saresh, Kadara was born in the Jungles bordering the desert of Akavir. She lived there until she was old enough to go out on her own, at which time she immediately left for the capitol, where she enlisted and soon encountered Saresh. For many years, they considered each other rivals and they sought to beat one another in as many ways as possible. they were constant sparring partners and rose through the ranks at nearly the same pace. eventually, this rivalry turned to friendship, and eventually love. They became joined, and have since reared a child, who is currently training in the military. When the Seer's call came, she and Saresh had a best 2 out of 3 "argument" to decide who would lead a ship to Tamriel. Upon her loss, she accepted her defeat with almost uncharacteristic graciousness, and didn't challenge the matter further. Though she has grown restless, and cannot sit idly by much longer. She plans on joining Saresh on his journey as soon as possible. She is currently residing in her ans Saresh's estate in the Tsaesci capitol city.
Accepted sheets:
Magus The Red: Alecor Valterayn
Name: Alecor Valterayn
Age: born on Aldmeris (Very Old)
Race: Aldmer
Birthsign: The Mage
Appearance: He has Pure white hair, he has Purple eyes, he walks with difficulty often utilising a staff
Class (what would you describe your character as?): Psjiic scholar
Skills and known spells (if any): He is a Mage not as powerfull as some but still powerfull none the less however his age wearies him very quickly.
Clothing / armor:He wears purple robes with half-moon spectacles when reading.
Weapons: An akavari katana and his staff
Miscellaneous items: Books and maps.
Personality: He is warm- hearted but can be utterly ruthless.
Major flaw: Is old, physically weak and when his temper snaps he loses it.
Background: Alecor is old very old however that does not matter he refused the position of Grand master to stay to teach initiates and counsel others he remembers meeting with many akavari and other races, the reason for this is he has an old akavari katana who he wishes to return to an old friend and he wishes to study the continent of Akavir he has been in magical stasis for the past era and a half and in other eras has been in stasis.
Age: born on Aldmeris (Very Old)
Race: Aldmer
Birthsign: The Mage
Appearance: He has Pure white hair, he has Purple eyes, he walks with difficulty often utilising a staff
Class (what would you describe your character as?): Psjiic scholar
Skills and known spells (if any): He is a Mage not as powerfull as some but still powerfull none the less however his age wearies him very quickly.
Clothing / armor:He wears purple robes with half-moon spectacles when reading.
Weapons: An akavari katana and his staff
Miscellaneous items: Books and maps.
Personality: He is warm- hearted but can be utterly ruthless.
Major flaw: Is old, physically weak and when his temper snaps he loses it.
Background: Alecor is old very old however that does not matter he refused the position of Grand master to stay to teach initiates and counsel others he remembers meeting with many akavari and other races, the reason for this is he has an old akavari katana who he wishes to return to an old friend and he wishes to study the continent of Akavir he has been in magical stasis for the past era and a half and in other eras has been in stasis.
Skyrim Guy36: Mathyn Ravel
Name: Mathyn Ravel
Age: 100 (looks about 23 through magical means)
Race: Dunmer
Gender: Male
Height: 6'7"
Birthsign: The Mage
Appearance: Despite his age he looks very young because he keeps himself younger looking and many underestimate him for this. Despite his young appearance his eyes show incredible intelligence. His face is smooth except for a burn scar on his left cheek from an experiment. While he is not a warrior he has a slightly more muscular than your average Mage. He had small hands with long thin fingers perfect for tinkering with all sorts of magical expirements. His dark black hair is always kept smoothed back and short to keep it from getting in the way.
Class: Sorcerer
Skills and known spells: He knows many destruction spells and is quite fond of spells to do with lightning. He knows a weak telekinesis spell that is perfect for picking up small objects but cannot handle anything larger than a short sword. He also knows a short range paralysis spell that often fails him(wouldn't want to overpower him would we?). He can heal most wounds and knows many alchemical ingredients that can heal himself and others. He has absolutely no skill whatsoever with any form of non-magical weaponry or armor.
Clothing / armor: He has a tight-fitting light blue shirt with leather pants and tough leather boots for traveling. Over this he has a light cloth jacket/robe enchanted to help deflect weak spells with a hood.
Weapons: He has a small staff to help him get around but it has no combat effectiveness.
Miscellaneous items: He has a few alchemy ingredient for healing and weak healing potion and a magicka potion.
Personality: Mathyn is very intelligent and clever and loves to solve puzzles. He is also very adventurous and when he was younger he would enjoy listening to his father tell tales of great warriors and their quests and as he grew older he went on a few quests of his own. He enjoys experimenting with magic and is almost always trying out some new spell or enchantment.
Major flaw: He has extreme confidence is his abilities as a sorcerer an believes that he can solve any puzzle before him. When he comes across something that he is not familiar with he will think about it for a very very long time.
Background: Mathyn was born about a century ago in a small town in morrowind. His father was a respected(although not very skilled) Mage in their small village and his mother was a merchant(who had less than reputable customers). Despite his small beginnings he became a very skilled and well-known sorcerer throughout morrowind. When he was about 15 he left his homeland to travel around tamriel. He spent 5 years in hammerfell, Valenwood, and the summerset isles learning many new things. By the time he arrived in cyrodil he was almost 21. He arrived in Leyawin and marveled at the main city of the empire. He briefly joined the mages guild before realizing that their rules were to strict. He left the guild but not before learning a great deal about important figures from the past. During his time in the guild Mathyn grew increasingly interested in the story of Nerevar and the Nervarine. He researched as much as he could about the famous figures from morrowind and learned a lot about nerevar but disapointingly little about the nerevarine. The most he knew was that the nerevarine had defeated the tribunal and that he might be residing in Akavir. He went home to morrowind and began to look into a way to travel to the distant continent of the beast-folk.(He is around 30 at this time). He spent most of his life up until now trying to learn more about the nerevarine and akavir until finally at age 100 hearing about the tsaeci reprensentatives venturing out for help. He quickly signed up for the trip and gathered his things before setting out to meet the snake-people.
Name: Mathyn Ravel
Age: 100 (looks about 23 through magical means)
Race: Dunmer
Gender: Male
Height: 6'7"
Birthsign: The Mage
Appearance: Despite his age he looks very young because he keeps himself younger looking and many underestimate him for this. Despite his young appearance his eyes show incredible intelligence. His face is smooth except for a burn scar on his left cheek from an experiment. While he is not a warrior he has a slightly more muscular than your average Mage. He had small hands with long thin fingers perfect for tinkering with all sorts of magical expirements. His dark black hair is always kept smoothed back and short to keep it from getting in the way.
Class: Sorcerer
Skills and known spells: He knows many destruction spells and is quite fond of spells to do with lightning. He knows a weak telekinesis spell that is perfect for picking up small objects but cannot handle anything larger than a short sword. He also knows a short range paralysis spell that often fails him(wouldn't want to overpower him would we?). He can heal most wounds and knows many alchemical ingredients that can heal himself and others. He has absolutely no skill whatsoever with any form of non-magical weaponry or armor.
Clothing / armor: He has a tight-fitting light blue shirt with leather pants and tough leather boots for traveling. Over this he has a light cloth jacket/robe enchanted to help deflect weak spells with a hood.
Weapons: He has a small staff to help him get around but it has no combat effectiveness.
Miscellaneous items: He has a few alchemy ingredient for healing and weak healing potion and a magicka potion.
Personality: Mathyn is very intelligent and clever and loves to solve puzzles. He is also very adventurous and when he was younger he would enjoy listening to his father tell tales of great warriors and their quests and as he grew older he went on a few quests of his own. He enjoys experimenting with magic and is almost always trying out some new spell or enchantment.
Major flaw: He has extreme confidence is his abilities as a sorcerer an believes that he can solve any puzzle before him. When he comes across something that he is not familiar with he will think about it for a very very long time.
Background: Mathyn was born about a century ago in a small town in morrowind. His father was a respected(although not very skilled) Mage in their small village and his mother was a merchant(who had less than reputable customers). Despite his small beginnings he became a very skilled and well-known sorcerer throughout morrowind. When he was about 15 he left his homeland to travel around tamriel. He spent 5 years in hammerfell, Valenwood, and the summerset isles learning many new things. By the time he arrived in cyrodil he was almost 21. He arrived in Leyawin and marveled at the main city of the empire. He briefly joined the mages guild before realizing that their rules were to strict. He left the guild but not before learning a great deal about important figures from the past. During his time in the guild Mathyn grew increasingly interested in the story of Nerevar and the Nervarine. He researched as much as he could about the famous figures from morrowind and learned a lot about nerevar but disapointingly little about the nerevarine. The most he knew was that the nerevarine had defeated the tribunal and that he might be residing in Akavir. He went home to morrowind and began to look into a way to travel to the distant continent of the beast-folk.(He is around 30 at this time). He spent most of his life up until now trying to learn more about the nerevarine and akavir until finally at age 100 hearing about the tsaeci reprensentatives venturing out for help. He quickly signed up for the trip and gathered his things before setting out to meet the snake-people.
Name: Nagendra
Age: 27
Race: Normal Tsaeci
Gender: Male
Height: 6'10"
Birthsign: The warrior
Appearance: He is very muscular but he isn't some hulking muscle maniac. His tousled hair is sword and light brown with a greenish tinge to it. The bright green scales going down his spine match the ones on his shoulders and neck. His teeth are filed to vicious points able to rip and tear through anything. His eyes brilliant emerald eyes are cold, cruel, yet there is a soft side to him that few ever see.
Class: Warrior Sailor
Skills and known spells: Nagendra is very skilled in hand to hand combat and he prides himself in his sparring skill. He is an excellent tracker and can follow a trail for weeks when others would get lost. He is exceptionally skilled with his short sword that was a gift for his father.
Clothing / armor: He has the same armor as Saresh but a lesser quality and dyed a darker color to help him blend in with the foliage.
Weapons: He has a sword that was given to him by his father who was an excellent smith.
Miscellaneous items: Nagendra carries around a small black flower that was given to him by his mother when she went off to search for his father.
Personality: Nagendra is cold quiet and cruel to most. He will fight tooth and nail to defend his honor and the honor of those he cares for. He is very protective of his past and rarely reveals anything about himself.
Major flaw: He has few friends that will sacrifice anything for him and even few that will jump to his defense without hesitation.
Background: Nagendra was born in a small village in Akavir. As was the norm is akaviri culture he was trained as a warrior and his mother taught him to be a hunter. His father provided the village with protection and weaponry until they were troubled by rogue warriors. His father left when Nagendra was 17 and he was never seen again. His mother soon grew very worried and bid the young tsaeci boy good bye and left him to fend for himself. Nagendra soon joined the army and built a reputation for himself as a talented warrior and tracker. He refused any positions of authority as he preferred to let others make the decisions. When he heard about this strange adventure he quickly signed up to break away from the monotony of Akavir.
Age: 27
Race: Normal Tsaeci
Gender: Male
Height: 6'10"
Birthsign: The warrior
Appearance: He is very muscular but he isn't some hulking muscle maniac. His tousled hair is sword and light brown with a greenish tinge to it. The bright green scales going down his spine match the ones on his shoulders and neck. His teeth are filed to vicious points able to rip and tear through anything. His eyes brilliant emerald eyes are cold, cruel, yet there is a soft side to him that few ever see.
Class: Warrior Sailor
Skills and known spells: Nagendra is very skilled in hand to hand combat and he prides himself in his sparring skill. He is an excellent tracker and can follow a trail for weeks when others would get lost. He is exceptionally skilled with his short sword that was a gift for his father.
Clothing / armor: He has the same armor as Saresh but a lesser quality and dyed a darker color to help him blend in with the foliage.
Weapons: He has a sword that was given to him by his father who was an excellent smith.
Miscellaneous items: Nagendra carries around a small black flower that was given to him by his mother when she went off to search for his father.
Personality: Nagendra is cold quiet and cruel to most. He will fight tooth and nail to defend his honor and the honor of those he cares for. He is very protective of his past and rarely reveals anything about himself.
Major flaw: He has few friends that will sacrifice anything for him and even few that will jump to his defense without hesitation.
Background: Nagendra was born in a small village in Akavir. As was the norm is akaviri culture he was trained as a warrior and his mother taught him to be a hunter. His father provided the village with protection and weaponry until they were troubled by rogue warriors. His father left when Nagendra was 17 and he was never seen again. His mother soon grew very worried and bid the young tsaeci boy good bye and left him to fend for himself. Nagendra soon joined the army and built a reputation for himself as a talented warrior and tracker. He refused any positions of authority as he preferred to let others make the decisions. When he heard about this strange adventure he quickly signed up to break away from the monotony of Akavir.
PFA: Elene Laviscia
Name: Elene Laviscia
Age: 27
Race: Imperial (Nibenese)
Gender: Female
Birthsign: The Lover
Height: 5’7
Appearance: Given her profession, it is rather fortunate for her that Elene does not appear to be extraordinary in any more notable way. Possessed of a rather fit physique, it does not take much to figure out that she leads an active lifestyle – and whether it seems to be a by-product of the life she leads or something she goes out of her way to achieve depends on her disguise at the time, although the truth leans towards the former. As is often the case with Nibenay-born, the agent’s skin is rather tanned; another, rather more obvious sign of her heritage are the swirling patterns tattooed upon her left cheek in faded blue, descending down her neck as well – and for that matter covering the entire left side of her chest, going down her arm and stopping just shy of her fingers, the colour being rather more vibrant in all those places and hinting at the fact she tried to have the facial tattoo removed.
Aside from the tattooing, perhaps the most notable thing about the Nibenese is the bright red of her hair, somewhat unusual for an Imperial; currently, they are kept tied into a tidy ponytail. Thin, slightly arched eyebrows of the same colour sit above eyes of vibrant dark brown, the tendency being for them to possess a rather lively gleam. Somewhat thin lips and a nose that is just slightly snub complete the picture of Elene being a rather handsome and fairly ordinary Nibenese woman.
Class: Agent of the Penitus Oculatus. For reasons rather obvious, she does not introduce herself as such.
Skills and known spells: Infiltration is Elene’s real skill, being able to fit into whatever role she finds thrust upon her to best perform the task at hand. However, due to the dangers often associated with being an agent for the Oculatus, she is not void of other skills that are useful in a tighter spot; most notably, her interest in and aptitude for enchantments, both discerning the nature of existing enchanting and imbuing mundane items. Should her arsenal of magical items fail her, she can always fall back on her skill with a dagger, being a formidable opponent with it – though far from a warrior. In general, she prefers to leave the straight-up fighting to others.
Clothing / armor: The unexpected arrival of the Tsaesci caught the agent in the middle of posing as an aide of a rather influential noble in the Imperial court, a fact reflected by her clothing. Elene’s penchant for robes (due to the ample inconspicuous storage space they offer) translated on this occasion into her wearing a crimson robe, trimmed conservatively with gold along the ends of the sleeves and the collar and including a hood. Underneath, however, she is not as unprotected as she might seem; over a white blouse, she wears a corset of studded leather. Brown pants that are intentionally slightly baggy and boots of tough leather that reach to just under her knees complete the outfit, rather practical clothing concealed by an exterior of lavishness.
Weapons: Beneath her robe is a sheath containing a silver dagger that serves as her fallback weapon, for the event that a situation should decline very rapidly.
Miscellaneous items: Concealed in the crimson robe is a collection of enchanted amulets, rings and gemstones that could make an enchanter of the Synod or the College of the Whispers raise his eyebrows in surprise and envy. In addition to half a dozen slim green gems which are not enchanted but rather kept around in case there is need for a more specific enchantment Elene does not have readily available, she has amulets of life detection, water-walking and underwater breathing, as well as rings of various elemental resistances, spell absorption and reflection (not particularly potent, as the power of these spells makes them difficult to bind to smaller objects without sacrificing power), feather and muffle.
Personality: Affable is a good way to sum Elene up. Regardless of the disguise she takes on, one will rarely find her gloomy and serious, her perpetual cheerfulness evident in the constantly present glint to her eye and lending itself well to the disguises she favours, that of people who interact heavily with those surrounding them – such as a bard, one of her preferred masks. This happy demeanour does not fail her even when she pronounces death sentences and condemns people to painful torture in the few occasions she drops the mask in favour of acting openly with the full force of the Penitus Oculatus behind her, which offers some clue as to what were to happen if that constant gleam were to shut down – that is to say, nothing pretty.
Major flaw: For all her skill in subterfuge and enchantment tricks, Elene is by no means a straight-up warrior and, knowing her limits well, tends to avoid direct confrontations with the more dangerous things and individuals on the face of Nirn.
Background: Membership within the Penitus Oculatus often runs in the family, and so it is with Elene – both her mother and her father being agents, she was destined to end up serving the Oculatus in some capacity as well. Which she did sure enough – aged 16, she began her training, accompanying a senior agent in the field for the first time when she was 19 and her first independent – minor, but still independent – operation two years later (posing as a priestess of Dibella, which she still remembers quite vividly in spite of the fact later years offered a slew of rather more exciting and important assignments). Thus it was that the Tsaesci delegation found her, a rather experienced agent masquerading at the time as the aide of an Imperial nobleman; of course, no agent of the Oculatus could pass up an opportunity for spying out the distant lands of Akavir and perhaps even open up some Imperial interests there for the first time since Uriel V Septim. So it is that she finds herself aboard a ship bound for the Tsaesci homeland.
Age: 27
Race: Imperial (Nibenese)
Gender: Female
Birthsign: The Lover
Height: 5’7
Appearance: Given her profession, it is rather fortunate for her that Elene does not appear to be extraordinary in any more notable way. Possessed of a rather fit physique, it does not take much to figure out that she leads an active lifestyle – and whether it seems to be a by-product of the life she leads or something she goes out of her way to achieve depends on her disguise at the time, although the truth leans towards the former. As is often the case with Nibenay-born, the agent’s skin is rather tanned; another, rather more obvious sign of her heritage are the swirling patterns tattooed upon her left cheek in faded blue, descending down her neck as well – and for that matter covering the entire left side of her chest, going down her arm and stopping just shy of her fingers, the colour being rather more vibrant in all those places and hinting at the fact she tried to have the facial tattoo removed.
Aside from the tattooing, perhaps the most notable thing about the Nibenese is the bright red of her hair, somewhat unusual for an Imperial; currently, they are kept tied into a tidy ponytail. Thin, slightly arched eyebrows of the same colour sit above eyes of vibrant dark brown, the tendency being for them to possess a rather lively gleam. Somewhat thin lips and a nose that is just slightly snub complete the picture of Elene being a rather handsome and fairly ordinary Nibenese woman.
Class: Agent of the Penitus Oculatus. For reasons rather obvious, she does not introduce herself as such.
Skills and known spells: Infiltration is Elene’s real skill, being able to fit into whatever role she finds thrust upon her to best perform the task at hand. However, due to the dangers often associated with being an agent for the Oculatus, she is not void of other skills that are useful in a tighter spot; most notably, her interest in and aptitude for enchantments, both discerning the nature of existing enchanting and imbuing mundane items. Should her arsenal of magical items fail her, she can always fall back on her skill with a dagger, being a formidable opponent with it – though far from a warrior. In general, she prefers to leave the straight-up fighting to others.
Clothing / armor: The unexpected arrival of the Tsaesci caught the agent in the middle of posing as an aide of a rather influential noble in the Imperial court, a fact reflected by her clothing. Elene’s penchant for robes (due to the ample inconspicuous storage space they offer) translated on this occasion into her wearing a crimson robe, trimmed conservatively with gold along the ends of the sleeves and the collar and including a hood. Underneath, however, she is not as unprotected as she might seem; over a white blouse, she wears a corset of studded leather. Brown pants that are intentionally slightly baggy and boots of tough leather that reach to just under her knees complete the outfit, rather practical clothing concealed by an exterior of lavishness.
Weapons: Beneath her robe is a sheath containing a silver dagger that serves as her fallback weapon, for the event that a situation should decline very rapidly.
Miscellaneous items: Concealed in the crimson robe is a collection of enchanted amulets, rings and gemstones that could make an enchanter of the Synod or the College of the Whispers raise his eyebrows in surprise and envy. In addition to half a dozen slim green gems which are not enchanted but rather kept around in case there is need for a more specific enchantment Elene does not have readily available, she has amulets of life detection, water-walking and underwater breathing, as well as rings of various elemental resistances, spell absorption and reflection (not particularly potent, as the power of these spells makes them difficult to bind to smaller objects without sacrificing power), feather and muffle.
Personality: Affable is a good way to sum Elene up. Regardless of the disguise she takes on, one will rarely find her gloomy and serious, her perpetual cheerfulness evident in the constantly present glint to her eye and lending itself well to the disguises she favours, that of people who interact heavily with those surrounding them – such as a bard, one of her preferred masks. This happy demeanour does not fail her even when she pronounces death sentences and condemns people to painful torture in the few occasions she drops the mask in favour of acting openly with the full force of the Penitus Oculatus behind her, which offers some clue as to what were to happen if that constant gleam were to shut down – that is to say, nothing pretty.
Major flaw: For all her skill in subterfuge and enchantment tricks, Elene is by no means a straight-up warrior and, knowing her limits well, tends to avoid direct confrontations with the more dangerous things and individuals on the face of Nirn.
Background: Membership within the Penitus Oculatus often runs in the family, and so it is with Elene – both her mother and her father being agents, she was destined to end up serving the Oculatus in some capacity as well. Which she did sure enough – aged 16, she began her training, accompanying a senior agent in the field for the first time when she was 19 and her first independent – minor, but still independent – operation two years later (posing as a priestess of Dibella, which she still remembers quite vividly in spite of the fact later years offered a slew of rather more exciting and important assignments). Thus it was that the Tsaesci delegation found her, a rather experienced agent masquerading at the time as the aide of an Imperial nobleman; of course, no agent of the Oculatus could pass up an opportunity for spying out the distant lands of Akavir and perhaps even open up some Imperial interests there for the first time since Uriel V Septim. So it is that she finds herself aboard a ship bound for the Tsaesci homeland.
What is That! your mom: Wulfgar
Name: Wulfgar
Race: Nord.
Height: 5'8 (Short for a Nord.)
Birthsign: The warrior.
Appearance: No one knows what his appearance because his head is covered by a hood and he always coveres his face. However to the few that seen his face, all they see is a partly burned face and scars all over. And like any Nord, he has a heavy build.
class: Mercenary.
Skills: Two handed weapons and heavy armor.
Clothing/ armor: He tends to wear Iron armor, if he is not wearing the helmet, then you can see that he is using a hood and a face mask to cover his appearance.
Weapons: a steel greatsword, though he will use any weapon he has to use.
Items: Healing potions, some food, and a bag of gold.
Personality: Wulfgar is a bitter man, he rarely speaks, and only does so if he has to or if someone's talking to him.
Major flaw: His bitterness hes lead him to have severe anger issues.
Background: More will be revealed to him later on. he grew up in a orphanage in Windhelm. He escaped for unknown reasons at 15. He grew up and raised a family, however he was accused of Talos worshiping and his family was executed and he was sent to the Thalmor embassy. He somehow escaped and spent the few years as a mercenary. he decided to go on this journey to Akavir to escape his past.
Race: Nord.
Height: 5'8 (Short for a Nord.)
Birthsign: The warrior.
Appearance: No one knows what his appearance because his head is covered by a hood and he always coveres his face. However to the few that seen his face, all they see is a partly burned face and scars all over. And like any Nord, he has a heavy build.
class: Mercenary.
Skills: Two handed weapons and heavy armor.
Clothing/ armor: He tends to wear Iron armor, if he is not wearing the helmet, then you can see that he is using a hood and a face mask to cover his appearance.
Weapons: a steel greatsword, though he will use any weapon he has to use.
Items: Healing potions, some food, and a bag of gold.
Personality: Wulfgar is a bitter man, he rarely speaks, and only does so if he has to or if someone's talking to him.
Major flaw: His bitterness hes lead him to have severe anger issues.
Background: More will be revealed to him later on. he grew up in a orphanage in Windhelm. He escaped for unknown reasons at 15. He grew up and raised a family, however he was accused of Talos worshiping and his family was executed and he was sent to the Thalmor embassy. He somehow escaped and spent the few years as a mercenary. he decided to go on this journey to Akavir to escape his past.
Disturbing: Aurane Imbendt
Name: Aurane Imbendt
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Height: Five feet nine inches
Birthsign: The Lord
Appearance: Aurane is a short man with dark blonde hair and blue eyes. He is an unimposing man of thin build and rather bony features. He is somewhat attractive and has a look of an intellect scribed onto his face.
Class: Mage
Skills and Spells: Aurane has a natural grasp on magicka and can wield shock destruction magick. He also has basic skills in restoration. His small size and muscles makes him next to useless in hand to hand combat so he keeps his distance from his enemies.
Clothing: Aurane wears robes given to him from the college of winterhold.
Weapons: None
Miscellaneous items: small carving knife, and a copy of the book A Hypothetical Treachery.
Personality: Audane is rather introverted and shy and will often seem a bit cold. He loves knowledge and is very proud of his intellect. He loves to read and prefers the company of a book over a person.
Major Flaws: He is arrogant and impatient with those he considers of low intellect.
Background: Audane had a privileged childhood in High Rock. His parents saw his potential in the art of Magicka and sent him to the College Of Winterhold when he turned fourteen. He excelled in the school of destruction but his social life was much to be desired. He would often be bullied by the other students. He slowly became more and more introverted and selfconscious and turned to books for friends. He would often spend time in the Arcanaeum. Six years past and at the age of twenty the long forgotten Tsaesci returned to Tamriel seeking aid on a quest. Audane jumped at the opportunity of learning more about the mysterious snake people and left the college to document all he will find on his journey.
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Height: Five feet nine inches
Birthsign: The Lord
Appearance: Aurane is a short man with dark blonde hair and blue eyes. He is an unimposing man of thin build and rather bony features. He is somewhat attractive and has a look of an intellect scribed onto his face.
Class: Mage
Skills and Spells: Aurane has a natural grasp on magicka and can wield shock destruction magick. He also has basic skills in restoration. His small size and muscles makes him next to useless in hand to hand combat so he keeps his distance from his enemies.
Clothing: Aurane wears robes given to him from the college of winterhold.
Weapons: None
Miscellaneous items: small carving knife, and a copy of the book A Hypothetical Treachery.
Personality: Audane is rather introverted and shy and will often seem a bit cold. He loves knowledge and is very proud of his intellect. He loves to read and prefers the company of a book over a person.
Major Flaws: He is arrogant and impatient with those he considers of low intellect.
Background: Audane had a privileged childhood in High Rock. His parents saw his potential in the art of Magicka and sent him to the College Of Winterhold when he turned fourteen. He excelled in the school of destruction but his social life was much to be desired. He would often be bullied by the other students. He slowly became more and more introverted and selfconscious and turned to books for friends. He would often spend time in the Arcanaeum. Six years past and at the age of twenty the long forgotten Tsaesci returned to Tamriel seeking aid on a quest. Audane jumped at the opportunity of learning more about the mysterious snake people and left the college to document all he will find on his journey.
Trannigan: Trannigan "Dratt" Drattmer
Name: Trannigan 'Dratt' Drattmer
Age: 27
Race: Imperial
Gender: Male
Height: 6'5
Birthsign: The Warrior
Appearance: A good bit taller than the average Imperial, and with a more muscular body build. He is stronger than most men of his race but less agile because of being slightly more built than most. He has tanned skin and unkempt hair grown a few inches past the shoulders as well as a grown out goatee. His hair is black and goes a about an inch past his shoulders and his eyes are a bright green with amber flecks in the outer edges. On his right cheekbone is a scar from where he got shot by an arrow head, a scar that still occasionally causes him pain and causes his face to not be able to take a punch like it used to.
Class: Mercenary
Skills and known spells: One handed weapons, Heavy Armor, Unarmored , Hand to Hand, Destruction, Conjuration, pickpocketing/Slight of Hand, Speechcraft and Hunting.
Clothing / armor:
Weapons: His specially made Scimitar. It is made out of Quicksilver and Moonstone instead of the usual steel, and the hilt is black with jade designs. He also carries with him 2 Steel daggers
Miscellaneous items: Normal clothes consists of a short sleeved wool shirt and blacksmiths pants, as well as deer skinned moccasins. Carries with him a sack that has the potions, 2 health potions and 1 magicka potion. He also has some hunted animal meat and fruits food to eat while on the ship sailing to his destination. His armor consists of (oblivion styled) Orcish cuirass and gauntlets, Ebony greaves and an Imperial Horseman helm. He also has 300 gold that he has aquired through various means so that he can be well prepared once he lands in Akivir.
Personality: Confident in his abilities yet sometimes very arrogant and full of himself. He has been known to pick fights with individuals for various reasons, The main one being when someone insults him or insinuates that they are better then he is. He also tends to be quiet when in a group, which some people view that as him being a shady individual but he is usually just not a very chatty person unless in a good mood or drunk. Tends to have respect for the beast races of Tamriel on account of where he grew up as a child, he also has a respect for Orcs, Nords and Redguards while disliking most Dunmer for their thinking they can use others as their slaves and male Bosmer as very tiresome to be near for too long. Altmer and Bretons he is indifferent about, as he respects The arcane power that they wield yet finds them to be of The most arrogant of all races. He is extremely intrigued at the chance to meet the different races he will be in contact with in the land of Akavir.
Major flaw: As stated above, the scar on his face sometimes causes him pain and makes his jaw susceptible to strong blows. He is also quick to annoyance. He gets impatient fairly quick and doesn't like to just sit around and talk things out for too long.
Background: History: Originally from his home land of Cyrodiil, Trannigan grew up in the city of Bravil, Trannigan figured out in his early teen years how much he liked doing tasks that let him use his natural talents, aswell as tasks that came with a payload, so he became a Mercenary. He then traveled the country for years doing most tasks he found that payed well enough, save for a few things that went against his moral code such as slavery or skooma/sugar smuggling. Although Trannigan did gain fame he also gained quite a bit of infamy in Cyrodiil so he left before the law could bring him down. He heard news of the goings on from Akavir, a similar situation happened to be going on in Skyrim too. Skyrim was too risky a land for him to go to because he had caused trouble for a powerful Skooma dealer so one day when a Tsaesci diplomat came to the settlement of Senchal in Elseyr he volunteered to try and aid them. It did seem a bit fishy that such a seclusive people who had previously seemd to dislike Tamriel would come to them for help, but his curiousity for this new people and their land greatly interested him. He boarded their ship and set sail for his next adventure, hoping that if he didn't find a great adventure perhaps he would at the very least come back with some great stories to tell his next comrades.
Age: 27
Race: Imperial
Gender: Male
Height: 6'5
Birthsign: The Warrior
Appearance: A good bit taller than the average Imperial, and with a more muscular body build. He is stronger than most men of his race but less agile because of being slightly more built than most. He has tanned skin and unkempt hair grown a few inches past the shoulders as well as a grown out goatee. His hair is black and goes a about an inch past his shoulders and his eyes are a bright green with amber flecks in the outer edges. On his right cheekbone is a scar from where he got shot by an arrow head, a scar that still occasionally causes him pain and causes his face to not be able to take a punch like it used to.
Class: Mercenary
Skills and known spells: One handed weapons, Heavy Armor, Unarmored , Hand to Hand, Destruction, Conjuration, pickpocketing/Slight of Hand, Speechcraft and Hunting.
Clothing / armor:
Weapons: His specially made Scimitar. It is made out of Quicksilver and Moonstone instead of the usual steel, and the hilt is black with jade designs. He also carries with him 2 Steel daggers
Miscellaneous items: Normal clothes consists of a short sleeved wool shirt and blacksmiths pants, as well as deer skinned moccasins. Carries with him a sack that has the potions, 2 health potions and 1 magicka potion. He also has some hunted animal meat and fruits food to eat while on the ship sailing to his destination. His armor consists of (oblivion styled) Orcish cuirass and gauntlets, Ebony greaves and an Imperial Horseman helm. He also has 300 gold that he has aquired through various means so that he can be well prepared once he lands in Akivir.
Personality: Confident in his abilities yet sometimes very arrogant and full of himself. He has been known to pick fights with individuals for various reasons, The main one being when someone insults him or insinuates that they are better then he is. He also tends to be quiet when in a group, which some people view that as him being a shady individual but he is usually just not a very chatty person unless in a good mood or drunk. Tends to have respect for the beast races of Tamriel on account of where he grew up as a child, he also has a respect for Orcs, Nords and Redguards while disliking most Dunmer for their thinking they can use others as their slaves and male Bosmer as very tiresome to be near for too long. Altmer and Bretons he is indifferent about, as he respects The arcane power that they wield yet finds them to be of The most arrogant of all races. He is extremely intrigued at the chance to meet the different races he will be in contact with in the land of Akavir.
Major flaw: As stated above, the scar on his face sometimes causes him pain and makes his jaw susceptible to strong blows. He is also quick to annoyance. He gets impatient fairly quick and doesn't like to just sit around and talk things out for too long.
Background: History: Originally from his home land of Cyrodiil, Trannigan grew up in the city of Bravil, Trannigan figured out in his early teen years how much he liked doing tasks that let him use his natural talents, aswell as tasks that came with a payload, so he became a Mercenary. He then traveled the country for years doing most tasks he found that payed well enough, save for a few things that went against his moral code such as slavery or skooma/sugar smuggling. Although Trannigan did gain fame he also gained quite a bit of infamy in Cyrodiil so he left before the law could bring him down. He heard news of the goings on from Akavir, a similar situation happened to be going on in Skyrim too. Skyrim was too risky a land for him to go to because he had caused trouble for a powerful Skooma dealer so one day when a Tsaesci diplomat came to the settlement of Senchal in Elseyr he volunteered to try and aid them. It did seem a bit fishy that such a seclusive people who had previously seemd to dislike Tamriel would come to them for help, but his curiousity for this new people and their land greatly interested him. He boarded their ship and set sail for his next adventure, hoping that if he didn't find a great adventure perhaps he would at the very least come back with some great stories to tell his next comrades.
SonOfSithis: Fahalya
Name: Fahalya
Age: 45
Race: Maormer
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9
Birth sign: The Lover
Appearance: Slender build with long white hair. He has yellow eyes, He is pale skinned with a tinge of yellowish green,
Class: Thief
Skills: Master of sneak and lockpicking. Lover's Kiss and Cobra Dance
Clothing: Black leather, made of plack eel skin armor and boots,
Weapons: A Pyandonic Steel Bow (a tough metal hat is greenish in color, it is stronger than regular steel), Pyandonic arrows,
Misc Items: Ring of Water Breathing he stole from the court mage.
Personality:Cocky and romantic, Charming, cunning and a bit of a con artist
Major Flaw: Overconfident and takes too many risks
Background:Fahalya grew up an orphan and learned to make a living by stealing anything and everything in sight. He developed quite a name for himself and was in and out of the Island's prisons. Fahalya was arrested for breaking into the King of Pyandonea's castle and stealing his sceptre and a family heirloom. He would have succeeded but upon his escape, he happened across the king's daughter's room and she was unattended. Unfortunately, he was literally caught with his pants down. He was sentenced to be bound and weighted and dropped in the sea to drown. Upon his sentencing, he managed to swipe a ring of water breathing off the court mage to escape his eminent peril. Turns out he dd not need it in the end. The King was informed of the search for The Fangs of Tsaesci and the call of all lands to assist and send a representative. This was not something the King was too thrilled about and had no real interest of sending any of his valued men to help those who clearly don't care about the exiled Maormer race. The King had a great idea, why not send that bastard Fahaya instead of executing him? The King would show compassion and win the sympathetc hearts of his people and get rid of that nuisance once and for all, thinking there will be no chance of his return. He sent word to those asking for volunteers and asked for a boat to pick up Fahaya. The king gave him a Pyandonic Bow and arrows as a gesture of good favor but in reality, it was a small price to pay to rid his kingdom of this lowlife thief. The boat picked up Fahalya on the shores of Pyandonea and Fahalya was off.
Age: 45
Race: Maormer
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9
Birth sign: The Lover
Appearance: Slender build with long white hair. He has yellow eyes, He is pale skinned with a tinge of yellowish green,
Class: Thief
Skills: Master of sneak and lockpicking. Lover's Kiss and Cobra Dance
Clothing: Black leather, made of plack eel skin armor and boots,
Weapons: A Pyandonic Steel Bow (a tough metal hat is greenish in color, it is stronger than regular steel), Pyandonic arrows,
Misc Items: Ring of Water Breathing he stole from the court mage.
Personality:Cocky and romantic, Charming, cunning and a bit of a con artist
Major Flaw: Overconfident and takes too many risks
Background:Fahalya grew up an orphan and learned to make a living by stealing anything and everything in sight. He developed quite a name for himself and was in and out of the Island's prisons. Fahalya was arrested for breaking into the King of Pyandonea's castle and stealing his sceptre and a family heirloom. He would have succeeded but upon his escape, he happened across the king's daughter's room and she was unattended. Unfortunately, he was literally caught with his pants down. He was sentenced to be bound and weighted and dropped in the sea to drown. Upon his sentencing, he managed to swipe a ring of water breathing off the court mage to escape his eminent peril. Turns out he dd not need it in the end. The King was informed of the search for The Fangs of Tsaesci and the call of all lands to assist and send a representative. This was not something the King was too thrilled about and had no real interest of sending any of his valued men to help those who clearly don't care about the exiled Maormer race. The King had a great idea, why not send that bastard Fahaya instead of executing him? The King would show compassion and win the sympathetc hearts of his people and get rid of that nuisance once and for all, thinking there will be no chance of his return. He sent word to those asking for volunteers and asked for a boat to pick up Fahaya. The king gave him a Pyandonic Bow and arrows as a gesture of good favor but in reality, it was a small price to pay to rid his kingdom of this lowlife thief. The boat picked up Fahalya on the shores of Pyandonea and Fahalya was off.
Daroska: D'Vatla
Name: D'vatla
Age: 163
Race: Sload
Gender: Male
Height: 5'8"
Birthsign: The Tower
Appearance: Like most of his kind, D'vatla's corporeal material consists of mostly bloated mass. However, unlike most of his kin, it's been
burned off over the years by excess travelling. Not a commonly pleasant thing for a sload but it keeps the civilians he meets less hostile,
making the obtaining of information rather a less complicated task. His mouth is otherwise absent of such restriction though; for tusks of
barbed teeth adorn his upper and lower lips to extend slightly into his inner mouth. Giving to the young sload a vicious appearence of sorts.
Tattoos of tropically mereth orgin incorporate his physical mass in refined waves that are needled all around the lump of his body, ending
only at the beginning of the lower backend to the skull. Plumped warts of a scaled manner dot from his neck gills to the lower length of
the shoulders. Magnificent cat-like nails elongate into curves that tip from his hands and round feet, which are close to his short scarred tail.
D'vatla's skin colour that woes around all of these features looks to be of a lightly glowing, in texture, shade of blue-gray. Albeit similar to slate gray.
Class: Advisor | Conjurer | Sorcerer
Skills and known spells:
Thaumaturgy - Mastering this forgotten school like most sload do, D'vatla naturally uses the spells for teleportation and for simple manipulation.
Conjuration - An expert on all matters of the transmundane. D'vatla prides his knowledge he attains from this with gluttonous absorption.
Mysticism - One could say it's a maestro in the art. As the vibes of magicka's transmute themselves come to be manipulated in his experiments.
Alteration - A journeyman at best. He has yet to find a competent tool from which he can learn from, D'vatla's only source being tomes of yore.
Speechcraft - Confronting many a threat from foreign ignorance. His only tongue shaping in wisdom to bend mortals whims to his needs.
Enchanting - From time to time, D'vatla would require extension not capable of mind nor body. Magicka becomes his mold to muster byproducts.
Heavy Armor - His blubbery swollen hide can effectively beat off (for a time) offending attacks that have managed to have reached D'vatla.
Clothing / armor: D'vatla's preference is to wear a robe gifted to him from Hermaeus Mora. It owes it's origin from that of a dunmer whom betrayed
the daedric prince for greater promise with Dagoth Ur. The robe itself was taken off the Ascended Sleeper's cold, half-gnawed skull corpse.
Then brought to the lone lord and with dark magics, the daedra enchanted it to field a vision of clarity to the wearer. He rewarded it to promising allies.
The sload casually draws the dyed (dim gray) apparel's sleeves halfway up his arms and keeps the hood back when in mortal greeting.
Otherwise to travel he'll keep the hood on the top of his head. The frontal yet lower skirt of the robe is rolled to be underneath the stomach's flap.
The ends of the robes have been ripped and torn after continued use. Finally, the sload deigns to equip a specially made pants from elsweyr.
Both of these are kept together through the use of various belts, extending around the robe and to the lower gray pants.
Weapons: The tools he relies on to defeat his enemies are primarily magic, claws, his weight and sometimes even his maw.
Miscellaneous items: A coin wallet made out of a wormmouth pup, a greater sigil stone, a varla stone, a whale bone flute.
Personality: Cautious, cunning, conniving, practical and realistic, business minded, wise when asked for advice.
Major flaw: Innately emotionless, cannot relate well to 'mortals', has a snide superiority complex, can be too literal sometimes.
Background: Excerpt from the diary of the Lost:
"..hee.. No. It. It came from the Agonio isle, Thras. D'vatla was it's name. D'vatla! D'vatla! brittle putrid! difficult trap!
That unknown apotheosis, singularity! it travelled to Pyandonea, homeland isle of cruel yet passionate rebel mer.
D'vatla! D'vatla! blighted he came and went. Nuisance followed, bruising was hollowed. Bloated creep corroded.
The fat sload went north, north eastwards. He found the cats domain, Elsweyr. Basked there in roost for power, for souls.
Difficult was his journey now with hunters afoot. D'vatla! D'vatla! why art thou's fury come unto me? terrible thing.
From timing travels it came unto the White-Gold. svcked on his prey, me! Coyle Sendu! why thou. It was all too decisively.
Time folded for the ugly timid thing. It slowed untill only Mora came forth into his embrace. Rotten both, snugly oath.
The magician's walkabout went through many realms, in search to quench his hunger. Hunger not for physical satisfaction,
but metaphysical growth! D'vatla! D'vatla! it spied for the Eye or did the Eye spy on it? no matter! it came looking for it.
It was a servant to many, friend to none. It worked as a parasite, in campsite. You do not see this as a diary! you see only yourself speaking! screaming!"
Name: D'vatla
Age: 163
Race: Sload
Gender: Male
Height: 5'8"
Birthsign: The Tower
Appearance: Like most of his kind, D'vatla's corporeal material consists of mostly bloated mass. However, unlike most of his kin, it's been
burned off over the years by excess travelling. Not a commonly pleasant thing for a sload but it keeps the civilians he meets less hostile,
making the obtaining of information rather a less complicated task. His mouth is otherwise absent of such restriction though; for tusks of
barbed teeth adorn his upper and lower lips to extend slightly into his inner mouth. Giving to the young sload a vicious appearence of sorts.
Tattoos of tropically mereth orgin incorporate his physical mass in refined waves that are needled all around the lump of his body, ending
only at the beginning of the lower backend to the skull. Plumped warts of a scaled manner dot from his neck gills to the lower length of
the shoulders. Magnificent cat-like nails elongate into curves that tip from his hands and round feet, which are close to his short scarred tail.
D'vatla's skin colour that woes around all of these features looks to be of a lightly glowing, in texture, shade of blue-gray. Albeit similar to slate gray.
Class: Advisor | Conjurer | Sorcerer
Skills and known spells:
Thaumaturgy - Mastering this forgotten school like most sload do, D'vatla naturally uses the spells for teleportation and for simple manipulation.
Conjuration - An expert on all matters of the transmundane. D'vatla prides his knowledge he attains from this with gluttonous absorption.
Mysticism - One could say it's a maestro in the art. As the vibes of magicka's transmute themselves come to be manipulated in his experiments.
Alteration - A journeyman at best. He has yet to find a competent tool from which he can learn from, D'vatla's only source being tomes of yore.
Speechcraft - Confronting many a threat from foreign ignorance. His only tongue shaping in wisdom to bend mortals whims to his needs.
Enchanting - From time to time, D'vatla would require extension not capable of mind nor body. Magicka becomes his mold to muster byproducts.
Heavy Armor - His blubbery swollen hide can effectively beat off (for a time) offending attacks that have managed to have reached D'vatla.
Clothing / armor: D'vatla's preference is to wear a robe gifted to him from Hermaeus Mora. It owes it's origin from that of a dunmer whom betrayed
the daedric prince for greater promise with Dagoth Ur. The robe itself was taken off the Ascended Sleeper's cold, half-gnawed skull corpse.
Then brought to the lone lord and with dark magics, the daedra enchanted it to field a vision of clarity to the wearer. He rewarded it to promising allies.
The sload casually draws the dyed (dim gray) apparel's sleeves halfway up his arms and keeps the hood back when in mortal greeting.
Otherwise to travel he'll keep the hood on the top of his head. The frontal yet lower skirt of the robe is rolled to be underneath the stomach's flap.
The ends of the robes have been ripped and torn after continued use. Finally, the sload deigns to equip a specially made pants from elsweyr.
Both of these are kept together through the use of various belts, extending around the robe and to the lower gray pants.
Weapons: The tools he relies on to defeat his enemies are primarily magic, claws, his weight and sometimes even his maw.
Miscellaneous items: A coin wallet made out of a wormmouth pup, a greater sigil stone, a varla stone, a whale bone flute.
Personality: Cautious, cunning, conniving, practical and realistic, business minded, wise when asked for advice.
Major flaw: Innately emotionless, cannot relate well to 'mortals', has a snide superiority complex, can be too literal sometimes.
Background: Excerpt from the diary of the Lost:
"..hee.. No. It. It came from the Agonio isle, Thras. D'vatla was it's name. D'vatla! D'vatla! brittle putrid! difficult trap!
That unknown apotheosis, singularity! it travelled to Pyandonea, homeland isle of cruel yet passionate rebel mer.
D'vatla! D'vatla! blighted he came and went. Nuisance followed, bruising was hollowed. Bloated creep corroded.
The fat sload went north, north eastwards. He found the cats domain, Elsweyr. Basked there in roost for power, for souls.
Difficult was his journey now with hunters afoot. D'vatla! D'vatla! why art thou's fury come unto me? terrible thing.
From timing travels it came unto the White-Gold. svcked on his prey, me! Coyle Sendu! why thou. It was all too decisively.
Time folded for the ugly timid thing. It slowed untill only Mora came forth into his embrace. Rotten both, snugly oath.
The magician's walkabout went through many realms, in search to quench his hunger. Hunger not for physical satisfaction,
but metaphysical growth! D'vatla! D'vatla! it spied for the Eye or did the Eye spy on it? no matter! it came looking for it.
It was a servant to many, friend to none. It worked as a parasite, in campsite. You do not see this as a diary! you see only yourself speaking! screaming!"
Mhund: Almaric "Merry Maric" Ashcliffe
Name: Almaric "Merry Maric" Ashcliffe
Age: 32
Race: Breton
Gender: Male
Height: 5'10
Birthsign: The Steed
Appearance: His face is covered in stubble from head to chin. Wears a permanent grin on the left side of his face, caused by the shrapnel from a warmachine blast. Is 80% blind in his left eye, caused by the same incident.
Class (what would you describe your character as?): Sell-sword
Skills and known spells (if any): One-Handed/Two-Handed, Light-armour, Block, Stealth, Marksman(Thrown only), Minor Destruction & illusion ability.
Clothing / armour: - Clothing; Olive coloured Belted Tunic (Rarely worn)
- Armour; An almost full set of Hide armour, only the helmet is missing. The chest piece is shaped in a unique scale-design.
Weapons: Steel Bastard sword by his side, Silver dagger on the back of his belt.
Miscellaneous items: Carries a cut-off emblem of his former military unit, The 37th, A leather-bound notebook, and a coinpurse of 50 septims in his satchel.
Personality: Depressing, He holds a dislike to those better than him yet only ever seems to work for them.
Major flaw: Poor eyesight.
Background: Almaric was born to a renown member of the mages guild within the Imperial City, he grew up more like an Imperial than a Breton and followed the same career paths as most of his childhood friends. Aged 17 he signed up with the Imperial Legion, being sent into the 37th Foresters unit he fought alongside men such as Falco Pohlmann, Roymund Inventius and many more brave souls. One by one his old friends moved on with their lives, He followed Pohlmann into the Mercenary trade though he rarely worked alongside his old collegue. In more recent years, Almaric had taken up work alongside an old Imperial artificer who heard rumours of "The Fangs of Tsaesci" coming to light, and that boats from those lands were accepting the assistance of strangers. The Artificer held Almaric in good standing, and chose to send him in his stead to offer assistance and gather information on these ancient artifacts.
Age: 32
Race: Breton
Gender: Male
Height: 5'10
Birthsign: The Steed
Appearance: His face is covered in stubble from head to chin. Wears a permanent grin on the left side of his face, caused by the shrapnel from a warmachine blast. Is 80% blind in his left eye, caused by the same incident.
Class (what would you describe your character as?): Sell-sword
Skills and known spells (if any): One-Handed/Two-Handed, Light-armour, Block, Stealth, Marksman(Thrown only), Minor Destruction & illusion ability.
Clothing / armour: - Clothing; Olive coloured Belted Tunic (Rarely worn)
- Armour; An almost full set of Hide armour, only the helmet is missing. The chest piece is shaped in a unique scale-design.
Weapons: Steel Bastard sword by his side, Silver dagger on the back of his belt.
Miscellaneous items: Carries a cut-off emblem of his former military unit, The 37th, A leather-bound notebook, and a coinpurse of 50 septims in his satchel.
Personality: Depressing, He holds a dislike to those better than him yet only ever seems to work for them.
Major flaw: Poor eyesight.
Background: Almaric was born to a renown member of the mages guild within the Imperial City, he grew up more like an Imperial than a Breton and followed the same career paths as most of his childhood friends. Aged 17 he signed up with the Imperial Legion, being sent into the 37th Foresters unit he fought alongside men such as Falco Pohlmann, Roymund Inventius and many more brave souls. One by one his old friends moved on with their lives, He followed Pohlmann into the Mercenary trade though he rarely worked alongside his old collegue. In more recent years, Almaric had taken up work alongside an old Imperial artificer who heard rumours of "The Fangs of Tsaesci" coming to light, and that boats from those lands were accepting the assistance of strangers. The Artificer held Almaric in good standing, and chose to send him in his stead to offer assistance and gather information on these ancient artifacts.
Recent Events:
-The Tsaesci vessel known as The Mouth of Seqen-Alta has finally finished picking up volunteers in Tamriel, and is en route to the Tsaesci's capitol city within Akavir
- The captain, a large "man" with the lower half of a snake, has finally revealed himself to the passengers, having just awoken from a forced hibernation
- The Sload D'Vatla has brought himself aboard, bearing the gift of an ornate urn, which the Tsaesci have used to feed upon a magical substance contained within.
- Saron Valor, a massive drunken Nord, decided to spar with the captain, and though he lost, proved an able fighter.
- Administrator Katariah, an undercover agent of the Penitus Oculotis, with the help of D'Vatla, bore witness to the event of the Tsaesci feeding frenzy on the first night
- The following morning, the Seqen-Alta was attacked by a pirate crew of Aniven, a rat-like beast race native to Akavir and the surrounding islands. The crew was led by Avanti "Sarran" Sarrana, who attempted to lull the tsaesci into a false security before attacking, but was discovered before her plan could be fully realized.
- There were few casualties of the Seqen-Alta, Only a few of the Crew died, though there were several wounded that are currently being tended to in the infirmary.
- Captain Avanti, and five of her crew including her first mate, Ren, are being held in the brig, though will be free to leave upon the ship's arrival in Akavir due to a deal she made with Captain Saresh.
- A large storm has been sighted, and is headed straight for the ship, promising a rough evening for the passengers.