Thank you all for your replies.
Illumniel: I'll definitely investigate that dialogue trick you mentioned. Having an example to work from will be very helpful. I may or may not add that to the mod I'm currently working on, because I'm getting tired of twiddling with the dialogue and want to get it RELEASED already.

Trunksbomb: Agreed, anything to keep the script load down is a good thing. This effect may be added to the main item script, which should only run briefly until the reference is removed from the game by dialogue.
Narfblat: Good, I was worried that a script (effectively) terminating a reference that CONTAINED that script could cause a logic bomb that would destroy the world as we know it...or at least a CTD. All that should happen to the reference WHILE disabled is being enabled through a dialogue action. I've already set the object to "references persist," though I'll test to see if that's strictly necessary.
With a little luck I'll get this knocked out and tested, and then can finally post the whole thing for everyone else to throw bricks at and see what breaks. Ah, the joys of mod development!

Rochndil, first-time modder...