Fallout NV GECK for PS3

Post » Fri Jan 15, 2010 3:20 am

Who reckons that a GECK compatible with PS3 Fallout NV. I think you should be able to copy the New Vegas game data onto a USB and then use the new GECK and add the GECK file onto the Game Data on the USB... who agrees? :fallout:
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2010 9:33 pm

Who reckons that a GECK compatible with PS3 Fallout NV. I think you should be able to copy the New Vegas game data onto a USB and then use the new GECK and add the GECK file onto the Game Data on the USB... who agrees? :fallout:

Sorry, that is never going to happen

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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2010 9:35 pm

Who reckons that a GECK compatible with PS3 Fallout NV.

Won't happen because both the PS3 and the 360 lack the capabilities to handle the GECK.

I think you should be able to copy the New Vegas game data onto a USB and then use the new GECK and add the GECK file onto the Game Data on the USB... who agrees? :fallout:

Won't happen because it goes against the EULA, MS and Sony won't allow this type of modding and both consoles are close systems meaning it wouldn't work anyway.
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cheryl wright
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Post » Fri Jan 15, 2010 5:01 am

How many defined reasons are there why not? Ten, eleven?
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Rozlyn Robinson
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2010 8:23 pm

Repost - what J.E.Sawyer said in the recent interview is that they did not change the GECK very much, but rather went with minor changes (such as the new follower wheel, the improved LOD they mentioned and the improved dialogue system that was mentioned a few months ago). I'm sure there will be some other tweaks, but nothing at all indicating that modding would be possible on a console - the technology simply does not support console modding, and having done alot of modding myself now I can tell you that you Really need the resources of a computer. Its not just the GECK that you need, its a GIMP, a Blender, an Audacity, a Word processor, a Nifskope and probably half a dozen other tools to make meaningful content - and consoles are just not designed to be open computers. I feel for the console folks, but this is one reality that isn't going to change with NV.

Its not a slight against anyone, its not an attempt to make the console players mad or reward PC players - its simply that a console is NOT an open computer, and the Bethesda game engines are built on PC's for use by PC's when making the games. Porting the GECK to a console would be a Huge undertaking and would cost Alot of money internally to make work right - if they could even pull it off. I say that because the GECK is an Enormously complex piece of software (and I write software for a living), and I can just imagine how difficult it would be to port all those hundreds of functions into another computing environment. Its impossible for me to say, but the GECK is At Least 250,000 lines of code.

Now if enough of you get togehter by the hundred-thousands and all petition to Bethesda to make a console GECK, you might provide enough finanical incentive to make it worth their while. But I'm betting that 99% of those people would Not be willing to pay more money for a GECK - surely not enough to offset the costs of trying to make it work. It all comes down to economics, not politics.

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Post » Fri Jan 15, 2010 6:37 am

umm..... I think it will be insanely hard for people to mod on the console due to the controls plus programs like FOMM and the like which make playing modded games easier or work will not work in the console. I'm not against the idea but I find it impossible to share mods between pc, x-box 360, PS3 without having to do this and that to make it shareable plus I think that PS3 and the 360 might find a way to get some extra cash.
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2010 7:35 pm

Now if enough of you get togehter by the hundred-thousands and all petition to Bethesda to make a console GECK, you might provide enough finanical incentive to make it worth their while. But I'm betting that 99% of those people would Not be willing to pay more money for a GECK - surely not enough to offset the costs of trying to make it work. It all comes down to economics, not politics.

I agree. I personally would not pay for a game editor on my XBOX. I think that some of the people who want GECK on console have never actually scene how they are implemented. Sure, dragging and dropping are very rudementary...But then you have everything under the hood, like coding dialogue or conditions. I spent years trying to master the Morrowind era Construction set, only churning out two mods in my entire life, and I still don't know half of how those programs work.
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:12 pm

re: GECK on consoles

Sony and Microsoft aren't gonna go for that. They really don't want to end up with yet another Moral Majority talking head pointing at a nvde mod on their systems and going Hot Coffee all over it.

Especially since talking heads don't care about differentiating between "fan made" and "company approved" content. Or the fact that it's not (in general) "those Poor Innocent Children?" playing these games.
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Post » Fri Jan 15, 2010 7:41 am

Consoles are for playing (rather limited) games. That's really all they are made for or good for. I can't even image trying to come up with a complex interface like the Geck for such a limited machine. Maybe if you added a keyboard, a mouse, a hard drive, an easy way to access the internet for help... oh wait, then it would be a computer.
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Post » Fri Jan 15, 2010 8:55 am

Come on, how many "GECK for consoles" threads have already been closed? It's not going to happen, so just give up.
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Madeleine Rose Walsh
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2010 7:09 pm

This isnt going to go too far. The fact is that the consoles just cant handle mods. They lack the amount of RAM (a fully modded Fallout 3 can use upwards of 1.8GB for me). Then the mods can cause stability issues, causing the game to crash, which in turn leads to bad reputation for Sony/Microsoft.
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Post » Fri Jan 15, 2010 1:17 am

Well, there should be enough reasons as to why this won't work in this thread.

Before this gets closed, I want to say one thing: If you really want to mod, why don't you get the game for the PC?
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Post » Fri Jan 15, 2010 3:52 am

Running mods created on a PC on consoles: probably possible but not allowed by MS/Sony
GECK/CS on consoles: not possible...it's essentially a dev tool and you need a bunch of other software to use with it. That means you need a computer.
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Kristina Campbell
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Post » Fri Jan 15, 2010 4:27 am

Sony and MS have both said repeatedly they would never allow fan-made mods on console games. They will not provide a means to install or download mods. And how are you going to write scripts with a virtual keyboard?

Sony and MS didn't allow it in the past, and they will never allow it in the future. If you want mods, you need the PC version.
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2010 8:17 pm

I bet 10 bottle caps this thread will be locked in about 10-20 minutes.
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2010 9:36 pm

I bet 10 bottle caps this thread will be locked in about 10-20 minutes.

lets shake on it.

How many threads like this are made every day?
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Post » Fri Jan 15, 2010 1:36 am

lets shake on it.

How many threads like this are made every day?

I am not sure, how has this thread survived over 12 hours?
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Post » Fri Jan 15, 2010 9:53 am

I am not sure, how has this thread survived over 12 hours?

It's a Festvis miracle.
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:59 pm

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Post » Fri Jan 15, 2010 3:48 am

I am not sure, how has this thread survived over 12 hours?

Somebody is haxing our servers...
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luis ortiz
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Post » Fri Jan 15, 2010 12:55 am

Just for kicks, here's a noble idea, from a PC user: :)
why can't a mod be made on the PC and then transferred to a console?
After all, console games themselves are made in computers.
It is the game engine that understands and handles the mods, not whatever OS the console runs.
If the console has any sort of file system, it could be done.

One way would be if modders are given an .iso builder that contains the consoles' APIs, so a modder could transfer the DVD contents to the hard drive, add the mods, then recompile the .iso with the right console APIs, then burn a DVD out of it.
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Post » Fri Jan 15, 2010 8:32 am

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Ruben Bernal
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Post » Fri Jan 15, 2010 3:14 am

Just for kicks, here's a noble idea, from a PC user: :)
why can't a mod be made on the PC and then transferred to a console?
After all, console games themselves are made in computers.
It is the game engine that understands and handles the mods, not whatever OS the console runs.
If the console has any sort of file system, it could be done.

One way would be if modders are given an .iso builder that contains the consoles' APIs, so a modder could transfer the DVD contents to the hard drive, add the mods, then recompile the .iso with the right console APIs, then burn a DVD out of it.

The console manufacturers seem to dislike it. It's actually possible to get mods on a 360, but that's illegal and you will be persecuted by Microsoft if you try. Basically, they want money from anyone who tries to use their console for anything.
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Post » Fri Jan 15, 2010 3:15 am

Ahhh thread why won't you die?! DIEE! DDDIIIIEEE! Get Fallout NV for PC.
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Post » Fri Jan 15, 2010 1:47 am

It's unlikely the XBox 360 or PS3 meet the system requirements for the GECK. In both cases I imagine they lack sufficient memory - their hardware is streamlined to play games, not juggle large amounts of information. If the hardware wasn't a limiting factor you'd still have software issues to contend with. The GECK is a Windows Application - not an application that runs in Windows but an application build around basic Windows architecture - and even the XBox doesn't have this software support. This would basically require that the GECK be rebuilt from the ground up. PC users get the GECK because the developers have built it for their own use and preparing it for public release doesn't require too much additional work - having to effectively re-make would probably carry a price tag and just imagine the complaints about PC users getting the GECK for free while console users have to pay for their editor, which probably can't handle as much too boot!

Of course hardware and software aside neither Microsoft nor Sony seem thrilled with opening their systems up to user-made mods unless it's with a very narrow system (like Halo and Little Big Planet). Sony seems more supportive . . . . or at least less against the concept . . . but I still don't see them on board with something like this.

Just for kicks, here's a noble idea, from a PC user: :)
why can't a mod be made on the PC and then transferred to a console?

You mean like Unreal Tournament 2003? ;)

Given how spotty the UT2K3 converter is I don't see something like this working for New Vegas. Unreal Tournament maps are loaded and played individually and they still have considerable problems being ported over, FO3/NV mods can be far more complex since they are integrated in to the entire existing world so the chance of converting the files successfully would be even smaller.

Since this won't be happening, and there are so many hurdles in the way, I'm going to lock this. We've already had some people bring up hacking and related illegal issues and I don't see this improving.
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