First question is, some of the main NPCs I have gotten quests from (Morgiah, Elysana, Prince Helseth, ...) will no longer respond or bring up dialogue when I click on them. Is this normal? Or should I run some sort of fix-save? I can't seem to find who to talk to in order to continue with the Totem/Numidium quest and am wondering if it might be broken.
Second is about crypts (the graveyards & such on the main map). When I entered one today it spawned me where my head was sticking through part of the wall, and I could briefly see some sort of room to the upper left before I fell into the room. The rest of the crypt led down and to the right, so I wasn't seeing part of the tomb I could normally get to. I have also noticed hearing bats or rats after clearing a crypt, when I come back to the exit. I tried using [ or ] but it crashed and gave me Error 102. Has anyone accessed other parts of the crypts or are they just glitchy leftovers?