The Bullet Chasers.
We are constantly updating it from the moment of creation.
Bear in mind it has just started up at 00:18 on the 2nd of May, 2010.
EDIT: It is a site for Fallout 3 players to join, create characters with bios they can post, post and fulfill contracts set by other members. I will be trying to upload lots of modded content for it to make it unique.
What you can do:
Post Screenshots of your character/s associated with TBC
Post Videos of fulfilling contracts, or other things
Post Contracts for other members to fulfill
Complete contracts set by other members
Write biographies for your characters
Be an active part in a new sort of RP, one where you are involved in a community of Assassins, Keeping in contact and helping each other with things.
As in...
*Transmission Begin* *static* Grandma Spar-*static*-kle, Her sons aren't out hunting *static* for mire-*static*-lurks, They're Talon Company *static* mercernaries, She organ-*static*-ises raids on innocent wastelanders, plundering them of their few poss-*static*-esions. When she lies d-*static*-ead, help yourself to anything she owns, and do wi-*static*-th it whatever you wish. *Transmission End*
This was just made quickly as an example but other contracts will be much more developed and improved.