» Sat Jan 23, 2010 12:30 pm
As you've found, you'll want to use an imagespace modifier for this. You can apply an imagespace modifier via http://geck.gamesas.com/index.php/ApplyImagespaceModifier. To animate an imagespace modifier, you'll need to drag the "Time" control to various different times and specify different parameters at different times. In this case, you'd want all parameters to be at their default values at the initial and end times, and tweak them so that the screen is black at two key times near each end, so a timeline would look something like this:
You'll probably want to use http://geck.gamesas.com/index.php/DisablePlayerControls/http://geck.gamesas.com/index.php/EnablePlayerControls to restrain the player while the imagespace modifier is in effect.