Nothing, cus ive moved on. Why would you want the developers to stick in the past rather then move on to new and better things?
Well, that is the whole point of my post. I love these games so much I want developers to continue. I would pay a FULL game price for a DLC that lasted maybe 4 hours (I would stretch it to 40 hours gameplay easy, but that is me) in either FO3 or FONV. Would you not download it, I would instantly? I am sure there are a numerous game developers within the FO "family" that could easily construct a valid, worthy Fallout DLC every 3 to 6 months. Ask yourself this question: If it were possible to create a new DLC for FO1 of FO2, how many of you 40+ (yes I am 40+) game nerds could resist the urge not to download? Answer, no one.