» Sun Jun 17, 2012 8:34 pm
I prefer Novac as well - it's a hotel room as well, but just seems to have gotten everything right. There aren't any tables there but you can find both tables in the petrol station just across the road, which actually feels good. Reminds you that Novac isn't just a single room, otherwise I'd just fast-travel to the entrance, do what I want, walk out of the room and fast-travel away. This way I get to walk about and take in the sights for a short while, and it's not so far that it's inconvenient. The Bon Vivant seems a bit of a chore to get to. I have the same problem with the Lucky 38, even with bookmarks which take you right to the door. Having to go through the casino and speak to Victor and then select a conversation option can get annoying at times.
The Sink is the ultimate base, but almost too convenient and too good to be true. It almost feels like cheating when I can bring in loads of worthless junk and turn it into something of good value. It fits in the theme of retro Science Fiction, though, and has a lot of charm. Novac is still my choice of home.