Old World Blues is awesome

Post » Sun Jun 17, 2012 1:15 pm

OWB on the other hand I do hate, and I'd rather break all my fingers than play through that garbage again.
This is how I feel about Mothership Zeta.

I know that we aren't going to agree so I won't go off topic with a rant about aliens.
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Dj Matty P
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Post » Sun Jun 17, 2012 2:39 pm

I also like OWB as well. It is a nice fun spot in the more serious painting the other DLCs have. The characters might not be as deep as the other DLCs', but I think Dr. Mobius is still one of the best in the game(and of course Muggy, Toaster and the Bio Station are pro-comedians).

It's totally epic. Just putting it out there,

I would agree with that. I only wish you could shut a certain ball up. And make the "good" decision without it.
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Post » Sun Jun 17, 2012 9:51 am

I would agree with that. I only wish you could shut a certain ball up. And make the "good" decision without it.

I've done Lonesome Road, but I'm not getting your metaphor.
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Adam Porter
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Post » Sun Jun 17, 2012 6:17 am

I've done Lonesome Road, but I'm not getting your metaphor.

I am trying to be vague to not spoil anything for the OP. Guess the metaphor was stupid enough :sadvaultboy: ... or(conspiracy theory ahead) you do see it and indirectly tell me that you don't agree :devil:

I am refering to ED-E.

He It always interrupts the flow, with a part of his its stupid sob story - at least for me it is - or when I'm listening to Ulysses's holotapes, which are far more important and interesting.

The other thing is that you need him to stop the missiles at The End, so no LR perk and stoping a second apocalypse. Although I don't mind that much about this.

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Nick Pryce
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Post » Sun Jun 17, 2012 9:35 am

But the humor in OWB (the old 50's SCIENCE villians) was part of it's charm!
I enjoyed the humor... once! After that it got annoying. The repetitive "go through this area 5 times" quests were annoying the first time I played them.

Also the bullet sponge enemies were pretty dumb. But I guess that's what happens when you are allowed to take all your items. You either get super strong one shot enemies (LR deathjaws) or get robots with a million health and DT. It wasn't that bothersome since I only had to spend a few extra seconds left clicking.

I did like how it tied into Dead Money and eventually Lonesome Road. And the underlying theme and hidden storytelling were the most enjoyable parts about it. Still like DM the best, followed by LR and HH is tied with OWB. Either way, they are all better than Broken Steel.
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Matt Bigelow
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Post » Sun Jun 17, 2012 10:46 am

I am refering to ED-E.

He It always interrupts the flow, with a part of his its stupid sob story - at least for me it is - or when I'm listening to Ulysses's holotapes, which are far more important and interesting.

The other thing is that you need him to stop the missiles at The End, so no LR perk and stoping a second apocalypse. Although I don't mind that much about this.

Yeah, I know.

I normally use Raul Tejada for repairs or Veronica for almost infinite Energy Wep. ammo with her workbench, so I wouldn't find much use for that perk.
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Nikki Lawrence
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Post » Sun Jun 17, 2012 11:17 am

Well Raz it's not so bad if you go in prepared for the roboscorp's toughness. Shotgun Surgeon + dinner bell + EM slugs worked fairly well on them I have to say. Went in with 300 12g, mag and 280 EM slugs. Left with about a dozen rounds of Mag's by the end. :D
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Paul Rice
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Post » Sun Jun 17, 2012 9:35 am

Well Raz it's not so bad if you go in prepared for the roboscorp's toughness. Shotgun Surgeon + dinner bell + EM slugs worked fairly well on them I have to say. Went in with 300 12g, mag and 280 EM slugs. Left with about a dozen rounds of Mag's by the end. :biggrin:
Yeah. It's just that the enemies don't feel like they do enough damage. Well, the lobotomites and nightstalkers do. But the scorps are just annoying. They just spam them at you throughout the game everytime you make progress towards any quest. They might as well just take a stimpack or 2 and a few round of ammo from me instead. Because that's all they really do!

I do love their random stealthboy drop. ^_^
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stevie critchley
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Post » Sun Jun 17, 2012 1:32 pm

Well if anything if you can mod your game using mods like PN(project nevada) that make you game harder by adding in stuff like on HP gain on level up (you can set it to what ever you want if you wish) and stuff that become much more dangerous. I always find it fun to "test myself" by limiting what I walk in there with to one primary weapon a side arm and possible some light armor, like leather or maybe combat armor. I leave everything else at home besides maybe 25 or so stims. Everything else I have to make or find on location.
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Emzy Baby!
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Post » Sun Jun 17, 2012 4:54 am

Well if anything if you can mod your game using mods like PN(project nevada) that make you game harder by adding in stuff like on HP gain on level up (you can set it to what ever you want if you wish) and stuff that become much more dangerous. I always find it fun to "test myself" by limiting what I walk in there with to one primary weapon a side arm and possible some light armor, like leather or maybe combat armor. I leave everything else at home besides maybe 25 or so stims. Everything else I have to make or find on location.
It's not that the DLC is too easy. It's just tedious. Especially the robo scorps. They just drain ammo. Nightstalkers are enough to make me want to kill myself. With hardcoe mode they just hit too fast. It doesn't help that I was using plasma weapons along with the sonic emitter when I went there. Was a lot easier with a brush gun. lol
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Post » Sun Jun 17, 2012 4:10 pm

Yeah, I know.

I normally use Raul Tejada for repairs or Veronica for almost infinite Energy Wep. ammo with her workbench, so I wouldn't find much use for that perk.

I'm talking about the http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Lonesome_Road_(perk) perk :biggrin: . You can only take it if you leave ED-E behind, meaning those missiles have to hit something.

By the time I get to LR I barely need the once a day weapon repairs ED-E has
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JD bernal
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Post » Sun Jun 17, 2012 5:04 am

I loved everything except the quests themselves (annoying and repetitive) and the terrible enemy spawns. Other than that, I thought it was amazing.
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Len swann
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Post » Sun Jun 17, 2012 4:08 pm

It's my second favorite DLC for New Vegas.
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