And maybe while waiting, we could fix the "problems" Gorbad and Gavri; noticed?
First of all, the setting. Most of us, if not all, have played Skyrim. We've lived that world and killed dragons. That's why this RP isn't so appealing: Been there; done that.
Secondly, I think you're trying to make the RP a bit too big. By having access to everything, and identical to Skyrim's events, you're essentially trying to recreate Skyrim the game into a book-form RP.
And you've revealed quite a lot of the main story (in my opinion a lot). This third point is a sub-point to #1 and #2 though.
Lastly, this is very in-game tied. We can choose out characters "level"? That's an in-game mechanic, something that all RP's should try to stay away from.
Again, I'm not posting this to talk sh*t about this RP: I'm trying to help by giving you my view of it. And as I said before, feel free to ignore anything I've said.
Cheers, and good luck with the RP,
- Gorbad