My tips, I came across this last night, I drank a potion where my intelligent was drained to 0 in red, when it wore off, my magicka was full. Did this a bunch of times for a test and I see this as a restore magicka effect. If you have Tribunal see Laurina Maria (Royal Palace Imperial Cult Services Room) and buy Masterful Green Wisdom, which is a fortify skill spell. Then make a fortify Alchemy to 100 pts for 3 secs on self to make potions with no problem. Then make a spell: fortify enchant, fortify intelligent, fortify luck and fortify willpower all at 100 pts for 3 secs on self to make your own free enchanted items with no problems, so far I had 100% success in potion and enchanting making.
Edit: I am level 3 and so this will help at low level.
My help, I know there are pants that have levitation spell, but i can't find them in wiki and forgot the name.