1. Any greaves? The ordinator didn't have them so I figure they might not exist. Using Orcish greaves right now, and that doesn't look too bad. Would any body either tell me the ideal greaves to wear with it, or tell me (if they exist) how to obtain indoril greaves?
2. Is that the best medium armor available? It had a better rating than my mixed collection of orcish, dreugh, and bonemold armor.
3. If I enchant the helmet and cuirass and give them a new name, would that waive the ordiantors response to me? I plan on naming the pieces "Nerevarine Cuirass", "Nerevarine Helmet", "Neravarine Boots", etc... (Including naming the greaves nerevarine greaves even if it isn't indoril.) After the enchantment is applied and the name changed, can I speak to ordinators wearing it without them trying to kill me?
4. Just to be sure, no special medium set of armor coming up during the main quest that would fit even better with being the Nerevarine.