» Mon Feb 01, 2010 10:07 am
I wouldn't actually object to companions being available in Skyrim, but they definately should be optional. I don't want the Elder Scrolls to become a party based game, Bioware RPGs already fulfill that niche pretty well. I want the Elder Scrolls to mainly be about my own adventures, but I don't object to having the option to share those adventures with someone else, so long as this remains an options. If companions were present in the game, I'd say New Vegas had a fairly good approach to them, generally, companions had their own backstories, and their own quests, and aside from the ones who weren't able to speak, a fair amount of unique dialog. This is good, as I generally prefer my companions to be unique characters, not just glorified bodyguards or pack mules. I mean, I DO want the companions to help me, but no matter how helpful they are, if I have no reason to care about them beyond how much they can help me, it's just not satisfactory. Some of the companion quests were also fun, and I'd say the addition of the companion wheel also helped to make traveling with companions more enjoyable than Fallout 3 as it made changing their tactics, equipment or healing them more convenient. True, some of the companions were rather overpowered, and the AI wasn't always smart, but these are problems that can be fixed in Skyrim, and I'd say the basic approach is good for a game like this. The key with companions in a game like the Elder Scrolls is to find an approach that makes it worthwhile to consider bringing them with you while not making players feel forced to travel with companions. You should still be able to complete and enjoy the game if you prefer to travel alone.