Ceph Angelus beats EN3MYo!!!!!!!

Post » Fri Jun 22, 2012 8:12 pm

First of all, it should be noted that I am a compulsive liar. So anything I tell you, could prove to be less than true in one way or another. Including what I just said.

That aside...
Yes, I have defeated EN3MYo. At first I thought it to be an insurmountable challenge. How could I beat someone who was everywhere, and nowhere? A person who claims to be king, but might in fact be nobody?
I decided that the most reasonable way to go about pinpointing him would be to simply play all day, and make note of any exceptionally talented player I come across. I would then later go about deducing which of them was masterful enough to be this mysterious EN3MYo.

And so I began. Hours upon hours past, and while I encountered a few players that were less terrible than the rest...none were impressive enough to match the proclamations of this would be king.
So I came to the logical conclusion, that if EN3MYo is the best, is always around, and knows my every weakness...then EN3MYo could in fact be none other than myself.

It made even more sense once I remembered my incredible, and misguided ego. Then there was the recent movie I made with clan mate Ceph SaintJason, in which I gave him a bloody good spanking. In my excitement, I of course wanted to share it with all of you, but I later realized that I would no doubt face severe punishment for posting advlt videos in such a public forum. There are impressionable minors about after all.

So I sit here now....deeply ashamed of all I have said under the alias of EN3MYo these last several days. Please...forgive me.

Yours truly,
Ceph Angelus

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Robyn Howlett
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Post » Fri Jun 22, 2012 8:21 pm

This just made my night.
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Emily Graham
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Post » Fri Jun 22, 2012 3:53 pm

Lost you after the first few paragraphs. This post was boring, uninspired and too long to keep my attention. Offcourse it may make Corroded beefs night....but that is appose to sitting on couch watching Family Matters and trying to give himself a reach around with a fun dip drooling from his mouth. Nice try though!!
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claire ley
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Post » Fri Jun 22, 2012 9:18 pm

Lost you after the first few paragraphs. This post was boring, uninspired and too long to keep my attention. Offcourse it may make Corroded beefs night....but that is appose to sitting on couch watching Family Matters and trying to give himself a reach around with a fun dip drooling from his mouth. Nice try though!!

These drugs you are on, I suppose they are good? Anything we may have heard of, or some of that new stuff we are hearing about on the news? What was it causing people to eat the flesh and brains of other people, again. I forget. Enemy, please refresh my memory.
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katsomaya Sanchez
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Post » Sat Jun 23, 2012 3:20 am

"So I came to the logical conclusion, that if EN3MYo is the best, is always around, and knows my every weakness...then EN3MYo could in fact be none other than myself."

Witty. Me likey.
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KRistina Karlsson
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Post » Sat Jun 23, 2012 6:37 am

I think there's a bit of EN3MY in everybody. I beleive I am the perfect representative for Crysis 2 players. Ceph sold out for the glitz and glamour and kept calling themselves the best but never play against anybody. They just post a lot in the forums filling innocent players heads with propaganda and shoving their K/D ratios at people every chance they get. Favorite food is probely Kraft Dinner too (KD). EN3MY is slowly emerging as a hero on these forums. I offer the players hope and stand up against tyrants like Walka, Jason and CEPH who make other players feel unworthy. Well if is was not for the unworthy player aka randoms than Ceph would not have their little perfect K/D ratios.

Show your love for EN3MY and click that like button. That included you too Mike!!

ps. after reading yourpost Mike I take back anything negative comments I may have said about Ceph Walka. Honestly, he is a good guy and I trust your opinion Mike. I may have dragged him into this because of the battle going on with Jason. Mike, You have my respect. Plus you likes my post.
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Siobhan Thompson
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Post » Sat Jun 23, 2012 7:53 am

Hilarious Post Angelus!

Oh and seriously Enemy, you are making fun of Ceph, yet you 'respect' walka? He is the Leader of the very clan.
The very fact that you still did not post a video is just a confirmation that you are not to be taken serious, but just for the lolz.

A lot of smack is talked about Ceph, you can state your one-sided opinions for all i care. But using the same in every post is getting old, not to mention that Ceph is all about having fun together, which you seem to leave out. Oh and asking for likes? Seriously, you want to get some sort of orgism out of this or something xD

Enemy, you are not a hero, and nobody likes you/your post.
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Alexandra walker
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Post » Sat Jun 23, 2012 12:08 am

Wicked posted Alex lol, as always ENEMY here comes here and talks complete crap...

Don't try to kiss my ass I don't like ass kissers

No one cares no one believes your crap

Move on mate your ship has sunk
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Post » Sat Jun 23, 2012 3:27 am

Wow, look at all the likes that post is getting :)
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Len swann
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Post » Fri Jun 22, 2012 9:58 pm

ps. after reading yourpost Mike I take back anything negative comments I may have said about Ceph Walka. Honestly, he is a good guy and I trust your opinion Mike. I may have dragged him into this because of the battle going on with Jason. Mike, You have my respect. Plus you likes my post.

Thanks, I do appreciate that. We should have some perspective when engaging in trolldom or else it's just too lowbrow. There are so many eager, ripe, and deserving of being trolled, here on gamesas.com. Why critisize the "good guys?"Sure, he [Walka] spams his friends msg about all types of stuff, as you say, but we all appreciate it, because for every msg you might not care for, there is one that caters to you, perhaps a game you always wanted finally went on sale. No worries, because Walka's got you! Some how he knows all happenings on XBL, even when you can't find the reported sale anywhere on xboxlive.com or the internet, Walka is messaging his friends about it. He also doesn't discriminate on anyone despite sixual preference (looks at Jason ;)), creed, or gender. He has put a clan together and established a remarkable website with some really talented and motivated guys like Angelus, Bo, and Nightmare.
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Rudy Paint fingers
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Post » Sat Jun 23, 2012 8:17 am

true, but his reponse further proves my point. He cannot take any form of criticism and takes himself too seriously and will not allow himself to accept the apology or click that like button. I'm not trying to kiss your ass even though thats exactly what you want people to do. This is why you spam everybody with propaganda about Ceph. Next, players will be receiving half naked pictures of Walka wearing a jock strap and holding a Scarab. He's like Edward Nigma from Batman Forever sitting on his couch and svcking the thoughts of crysis 2 players away, as he slowly salivates and creams himself!!
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AnDres MeZa
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Post » Fri Jun 22, 2012 5:55 pm

true, but his reponse further proves my point. He cannot take any form of criticism and takes himself too seriously and will not allow himself to accept the apology or click that like button. I'm not trying to kiss your ass even though thats exactly what you want people to do. This is why you spam everybody with propaganda about Ceph. Next, players will be receiving half naked pictures of Walka wearing a jock strap and holding a Scarab. He's like Edward Nigma from Batman Forever sitting on his couch and svcking the thoughts of crysis 2 players away, as he slowly salivates and creams himself!!

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Peter lopez
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