I would enjoy HH a thousand times more, if only....

Post » Tue Feb 09, 2010 3:31 am

If only Giant Geckos and giant Yao Guai didn't have a habit of spawning RIGHT behind me. Like seriously, in the Mojave, if I actually see an enemy spawn, it's like a rare event. So rare that I assume the game must've glitched for it to happen; like enemies are automatically supposed to spawn at set points once you get within a certain range of that point, so obviously it glitched if the spawn delayed until I was standing right there. But in HH? It seems like the spawns run on a clock or something. They're so random, and sometimes incredibly annoying. I got jumped by three White Legs, and in the middle of the battle, I suddenly took two rather deadly hits and got tossed back a few feet. I hit my Super Stim and Turbo hotkeys, wonder "wtf was that," turn around, and it's a Giant Gecko. Considering this fight was right on the coast and I just came out of the river and considering the friggin size of this thing, I'm absolutely sure I didn't just miss it. It spawned right on top of me. I also draw this conclusion because it's also happened that I'll be walking down a path, then suddenly a Giant Yao Guai or something is like "LOLHEY WUSSUP" and spawns right before my eyes. As I've said, it's a very rare occassion for this to happen in the Mojave; I've probably only seen it happen 4-5 times there. But here? I've seen it happen a good 15 times.

And that pretty much kills a lot of the appeal of HH for me. I absolutely hate traveling there because before I know it, something spawns on me and I'm forced to waste Turbo and Super Stims. I'm all for a challenge, I LOVED Dead Money. But this? This is just annoying and a waste of my resources.
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Rachel Eloise Getoutofmyface
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Post » Tue Feb 09, 2010 12:31 am

This and Dead Money are my favorite DLC for any game in the world, along with NV being my favorite game. Did you go into this DLC at level 3? You need to know how go play to do well. You don't get around with 3 Stims and a .45 auto so easily.
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Georgine Lee
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Post » Mon Feb 08, 2010 7:09 pm

This and Dead Money are my favorite DLC for any game in the world, along with NV being my favorite game. Did you go into this DLC at level 3? You need to know how go play to do well. You don't get around with 3 Stims and a .45 auto so easily.

I went in at level 36. With 156 Super stims, 256 stims and 34 doses of Turbo. I never died, but just because I survived doesn't mean it's not damn annoying.

Lemme put it this way. If I die to the BoS firing squad that confronts you during Veronica's quest, then obviously my character wasn't built for that situation or I just wasn't bad ass enough. If I die in Dead Money, then obviously I failed to solve the puzzle. If I die to Ghost of She, then I wasn't badass enough. All of those examples, my death would basically be my responsibility, and that's how I like it. But if a Giant Gecko spawns directly on top of me and kills me in three hits (and these things hit FAST when they melee) then wtf, that's more of a simple annoyance and not so much me making a mistake. I could be in sneak mode with a perception of 10, and I could be cautious as hell, carefully surveying my surroundings, but that won't save me if something spawns literally right behind/in front of me. My character has 10 endurance and the Life Giver perk, and honestly I've spent too much time on an MMO where an assassin class is capable of popping out and killing people in a second flat and that's helped my reaction time, and all that probably contributed to me surviving. But what if I had 5 endurance? What if my character refused to use chems? I know I definitely would've died once if I didn't have Turbo hotkeyed.

And what about perception? I mean it's completely useless in HH since things seem to spawn when you get close to their spawn point, rather than spawning in advance.

My point is just that I'd prefer a challenge with a chance for me to fail or for my characters stats to fail. As it is now, it's really more of a pointless annoyance with my character's stats having very little to do with it (other than endurance obviously. I doubt I could tank two hits if I had 4 endurance). If I die I don't think "damn, I need to improve," I think "WTF!!!" I'd prefer the former.
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Rob Davidson
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Post » Tue Feb 09, 2010 7:43 am

This and Dead Money are my favorite DLC for any game in the world, along with NV being my favorite game. Did you go into this DLC at level 3? You need to know how go play to do well. You don't get around with 3 Stims and a .45 auto so easily.

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Soku Nyorah
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Post » Tue Feb 09, 2010 12:12 am

If only they didnt have the .45 pistol sound the same and reload the same as the 9mm pistol...
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Post » Mon Feb 08, 2010 4:55 pm

I went in at level 9 and those Giant Geckos have killed me a few times. They just deposit themselves right on top of me from a higher perch. Ah...fun times and reloads.
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Post » Mon Feb 08, 2010 9:50 pm

If only they didnt have the .45 pistol sound the same and reload the same as the 9mm pistol...

It would sound so cool if it had the 12.7mm sound...but I would be just as happy with a loud bang. Still my favorite pistol in the game.
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Post » Tue Feb 09, 2010 1:56 am

Fast travel in Zion = bad idea. I find if I fast travel to any of the bridges or more open areas I get swarmed by like 2 geckos and 3 bears or a few cazadors. Makes for some furious fights. If I walk around and sneak up I'm usually treated to the same group types beating the stuffing out of each other.
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Post » Tue Feb 09, 2010 12:32 am

Fast travel in Zion = bad idea. I find if I fast travel to any of the bridges or more open areas I get swarmed by like 2 geckos and 3 bears or a few cazadors. Makes for some furious fights. If I walk around and sneak up I'm usually treated to the same group types beating the stuffing out of each other.

Lololololololol I just tried this.

Fast traveled to a bridge, counted to 5, thought "huh, maybe I've just been unlucky and I was overreacting." BAM: Giant Cazador and Giant Mantis.
Tried it again at another location. Again, waited 5 seconds. BAM: Two giant Yao Guai charging at me from behind a rock as if they were psychic and knew exactly where I was.

Perception and Sneak should actually reward the player for having them instead of doing absolutely nothing, ijs.
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Post » Mon Feb 08, 2010 9:17 pm

Fast travel in Zion = bad idea. I find if I fast travel to any of the bridges or more open areas I get swarmed by like 2 geckos and 3 bears or a few cazadors. Makes for some furious fights. If I walk around and sneak up I'm usually treated to the same group types beating the stuffing out of each other.

If you ask me that makes it a good idea to fast travel.
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Post » Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:09 am

Lololololololol I just tried this.

Fast traveled to a bridge, counted to 5, thought "huh, maybe I've just been unlucky and I was overreacting." BAM: Giant Cazador and Giant Mantis.
Tried it again at another location. Again, waited 5 seconds. BAM: Two giant Yao Guai charging at me from behind a rock as if they were psychic and knew exactly where I was.

Perception and Sneak should actually reward the player for having them instead of doing absolutely nothing, ijs.

Five seconds sounds like plenty of time to me.
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Post » Tue Feb 09, 2010 8:08 am

Five seconds sounds like plenty of time to me.

I meant 5 seconds until they spawn, not 5 seconds that they stand there and I have time to react.
And no it's not enough time to get the hell out of there, either.
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Post » Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:31 am

I actually like the spontaneous spawns, makes Zion unpredictable.
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Post » Mon Feb 08, 2010 8:58 pm

I have fast traveled and found that I was surrounded by 3 giant cazadors, which is death if not ready. Being poisoned by HH cazadors is worse then the normal ones. If you hadn't noticed normal antivenom doesn't work as well as the Datura antivenom it completely removes the poisons from giant cazadors. if you don't it seems your still effected by the poison.

Gecko's don't attack me, but they do attack anyone that does even cazador, yao, white legs. It's nice having animal friend x2
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Ryan Lutz
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Post » Mon Feb 08, 2010 9:28 pm

Thread creator has a serious deficit of situational awareness.

I've had enemies pop up behind me but I was able to respond in time. Turbo is helpful in these situations.
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Chris Jones
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Post » Mon Feb 08, 2010 4:58 pm

I like the random enemies and all, I just wished they didn't SPAWN out of nowhere. It breaks the suspension of disbelief.

It always happens when you step out of a cave, too. You're outside after the loading screen, take a few seconds to look around and blink from the sunlight, then BAM. Four giant Cazadores materialize out of thin air to brutalize your face with their butt daggers. I wasn't aware mass teleportation was an ability of giant mutated insects.
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Post » Mon Feb 08, 2010 7:29 pm

That should be a perk for melee and unarmed specialists: VATS teleportation. If they're in acquisition range, you can attack them.
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Tiffany Carter
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Post » Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:58 pm

I like the random enemies and all, I just wished they didn't SPAWN out of nowhere. It breaks the suspension of disbelief.

It always happens when you step out of a cave, too. You're outside after the loading screen, take a few seconds to look around and blink from the sunlight, then BAM. Four giant Cazadores materialize out of thin air to brutalize your face with their butt daggers. I wasn't aware mass teleportation was an ability of giant mutated insects.

Mass teleporting poisonous butt daggers, it truly is a hard knock life. lol
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Post » Mon Feb 08, 2010 6:25 pm

Thread creator has a serious deficit of situational awareness.

I've had enemies pop up behind me but I was able to respond in time. Turbo is helpful in these situations.

Above poster has a serious deficit of being able to read.

I responded, lived and used Turbo too.
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Post » Tue Feb 09, 2010 6:28 am

I had no problem with critters, but the Whitelegs did it to me... It was a pain as a sniper :(. It also seemed like every single hit crippled me, I quickly ran out of Doc Bags, and whats his face the guy with the Sorrows was a pain to find some times.
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Flesh Tunnel
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Post » Tue Feb 09, 2010 6:45 am

Above poster has a serious deficit of being able to read.

I responded, lived and used Turbo too.

Then what's your problem? If you have no problem using the turbo, it shouldn't bother you. "Stop gettin' mad at video games"-Cool Frog
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Paula Rose
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Post » Mon Feb 08, 2010 10:57 pm

I like the Zion spawn system. Even if it has its flaws, it is much more fun than the boring set spawns of the Mojave IMO. :celebration:
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