Putting Original Content Back In

Post » Fri Jun 22, 2012 5:55 pm

At one point while working on my mod, I removed ALL of the cliff racers from the game. Is there a way to put them back exactly as they were in the original? Thanks!
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Mari martnez Martinez
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Post » Sat Jun 23, 2012 7:41 am

disable the mod that had them taken away. or dont pick that mod when loading construction set. the core morrowind file keeps all of its stuff. turning them off relies on a mod ontop of morrowind core bsa file.

but for editing that mod hmm idk would it be easier to copy what you added to a new mod?
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candice keenan
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Post » Fri Jun 22, 2012 8:30 pm

So you want all the rat-birds back in, or just a few to keep the anoyingness below meltdown level?

I thought there was a CS tool that let you put gameelements in place, but I forgot it...
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Gemma Flanagan
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Post » Sat Jun 23, 2012 7:58 am

try enchanted editor
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Chloe Lou
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Post » Fri Jun 22, 2012 5:52 pm

At one point while working on my mod, I removed ALL of the cliff racers from the game. Is there a way to put them back exactly as they were in the original? Thanks!

See this post from a recent thread: http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1378624-help-i-messed-up/page__view__findpost__p__20879641

try enchanted editor

That'll work, if you know what you are doing. If you can follow the advice in the linked post, Enchanted Editor is even easier to use and gives more information in way that is much easier to see, but it can be a little more confusing. Either way, backup your work before editing it.
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Jeff Turner
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Post » Sat Jun 23, 2012 3:54 am

Thanks for the responses.

- I realize that unchecking mods will reset everything, but it's my mod that makes this change to begin with...? Not sure adding the contents to a new mod would work, either, because it's an exterior (new city) mod that covers 20 exterior cells with terrain changes, a ton of referencees, etc.
- I hate the annoying things (which is why I removed them in the first place), but if I ever release my mod, I want to be able to say that it doesn't change anything else in the game. Others may want them left in (though I can't imagine why).
- I can't get EE to work... is this a Windows 7 thing? I double click the .exe and nothing happens. I've had the program for years, but have never used it (maybe this is why).
- I checked out the other thread, but that doesn't seem to offer a solution... I clicked on the Details button prior to loading the mod in the CS, but it only shows the creatures (and other things) that I added, not what I deleted. Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks to all for the suggestions... Maybe I'll just have to include a disclaimer with my mod stating no cliff racers...
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Post » Sat Jun 23, 2012 9:37 am

Thanks for the responses.

- I realize that unchecking mods will reset everything, but it's my mod that makes this change to begin with...? Not sure adding the contents to a new mod would work, either, because it's an exterior (new city) mod that covers 20 exterior cells with terrain changes, a ton of referencees, etc.

Normally, you can make a mod in separate plugins, but there is usually little reason to do so.

- I hate the annoying things (which is why I removed them in the first place), but if I ever release my mod, I want to be able to say that it doesn't change anything else in the game. Others may want them left in (though I can't imagine why).

Alchemists and hunters could benefit from them. And y'know, canon fodder for great mages-to-be. I've yet to really tire of them though they can be a bit too much, but I'd probably reduce their numbers instead of removing them completely.

- I can't get EE to work... is this a Windows 7 thing? I double click the .exe and nothing happens. I've had the program for years, but have never used it (maybe this is why).

No idea, as I don't have Windows 7. All I can suggest is try reinstalling it, probably not in Program Files, and make sure you have permission to run it.

- I checked out the other thread, but that doesn't seem to offer a solution... I clicked on the Details button prior to loading the mod in the CS, but it only shows the creatures (and other things) that I added, not what I deleted. Am I doing something wrong?

Are you sure it's the mod you're working on that has deleted them? Anything in your mod that is different from the master file should be there, whether it's added, removed, or changed. I just made a mod to check, and it does indeed mark the cliff racers with a 'D' under the 'Deleted' column in the CS.
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Tina Tupou
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Post » Fri Jun 22, 2012 5:31 pm

- I checked out the other thread, but that doesn't seem to offer a solution... I clicked on the Details button prior to loading the mod in the CS, but it only shows the creatures (and other things) that I added, not what I deleted. Am I doing something wrong?

Using the 'Details' list to fix this problem should work without a hitch; that was my standard method for cleaning uunwanted changes from mods, including fixing things when I unintentionally deleted content that was part of the original game (which is what you're trying to fix).

Edit: the Details list will show any changes, including deletions, made by your mod. If the deleted Cliff Racers aren't showing up, most likely you're not looking at the right mod. Try loading other mods and setting them Active, then looking at their Details lists to figure out which mod is the one that actually deletes the Cliff Racers.


Here's a more detailed step-by-step procedure for using the 'Details' list to clean a mod (part of one of my FAQ-type posts from many years ago):

It's always a good idea to make a backup copy of the .esp file before you try cleaning it, especially if you haven't done this before.

1. Go to the Data Files screen in the Construction Set. Select the required master files and the .esp file you want to clean. Make the .esp file active. Just like you're going to load the .esp for editing, but don't hit the 'OK' button yet.

2. Highlight the .esp file and click the 'Details' button. This gives you list of all the game data entries changed or added by your .esp file.

3. Select (highlight) the entries you want to remove, and hit the 'Delete' key for each one. Answer yes to the prompt each time. You'll now see an 'I' in the 'Ignored' field for each entry

What you're doing is marking game data your .esp file has changed and that you want to restore to the original condition. This won't remove any items that were part of the original game; it will just remove changes made by your .esp file.

3a. For example: if you've changed the data for container "barrel_02", scroll down the details list to the entry for 'CONT barrel_02', highlight it and hit delete.

That will mark the changed data for 'barrel_02' for deletion from your .esp file, so the game will go back to using the original data.

4. Once you've marked each entry you want to delete, close the Details window and hit the 'OK' button to load the .esp file.

5. _Immediately_ save the .esp file. This will rewrite the file, minus all the entries you marked for deletion.

6. To double-check: go back to the Data Files screen again and check the details listing for the .esp file. The entries you marked in step 3 should be gone.

7. Your .esp file should now be cleaned of the changes you removed.

The above cleaning process works for most types of entries in .esp files. It removes changed data and new data stored in the .esp file, so the game will go back to using the original data from the .esm files.

The Details list by itself won't clean individual changed or added references in a cell. You can either clean the entire cell (if there are no changes in the cell you want to keep), or use a couple of extra steps to save and restore the changes you want while cleaning everything else from the cell.
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Arnold Wet
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Post » Fri Jun 22, 2012 9:25 pm

Dinkum thanks for the very detailed step-by-step! That is very useful information. Thanks also Arsuru for your responses.

According to this method, I did not modify the cliff racer count, as they are not on the list(!) And when I load up the mod in the CS, I get the following counts: cliff racer 31; cliff racer_blighted 10; cliff racer_diseased 13. Is that correct? Are there only 54 total throughout all of Vvardenfell? Seemed like those things were everywhere! But if accurate, then I guess I'm in the clear! I must've undid the change at some point, which I don't recall... but entirely possible, as I've been working on this same mod for 6½ years now, and I've periodically cleaned it using TESAME - which seems to do basically the same thing as the Details list.

So the problem (or lack thereof) is solved (I think)! Very much appreciate all your help.
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Alexander Lee
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Post » Sat Jun 23, 2012 7:25 am

The Details list by itself won't clean individual changed or added references in a cell. You can either clean the entire cell (if there are no changes in the cell you want to keep), or use a couple of extra steps to save and restore the changes you want while cleaning everything else from the cell.

I'm interested in these extra steps.

Dinkum thanks for the very detailed step-by-step! That is very useful information. Thanks also Arsuru for your responses.

According to this method, I did not modify the cliff racer count, as they are not on the list(!) And when I load up the mod in the CS, I get the following counts: cliff racer 31; cliff racer_blighted 10; cliff racer_diseased 13. Is that correct? Are there only 54 total throughout all of Vvardenfell? Seemed like those things were everywhere! But if accurate, then I guess I'm in the clear! I must've undid the change at some point, which I don't recall... but entirely possible, as I've been working on this same mod for 6½ years now, and I've periodically cleaned it using TESAME - which seems to do basically the same thing as the Details list.

So the problem (or lack thereof) is solved (I think)! Very much appreciate all your help.

Those numbers are correct. If you right-click on the creature and click 'Info', you'll see that they are only placed into leveled creature lists, which are used in the various spawn points, which results in far more than 54 of them on Vvardenfell. Now if you go look at the leveled creature lists that contain cliff racers, you'll see much higher numbers of them in use. The ex_shore_cliffracer_lev+0 list has 618 alone.

TEASME will work, among other things, as noted in the post I linked. I happen to use EE or the CS, mostly, but they all do the same thing.

Glad you got it sorted out. Happy modding!
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Syaza Ramali
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Post » Fri Jun 22, 2012 6:56 pm

Dinkum thanks for the very detailed step-by-step! That is very useful information. Thanks also Arsuru for your responses. According to this method, I did not modify the cliff racer count, as they are not on the list(!) And when I load up the mod in the CS, I get the following counts: cliff racer 31; cliff racer_blighted 10; cliff racer_diseased 13. Is that correct? Are there only 54 total throughout all of Vvardenfell? Seemed like those things were everywhere! But if accurate, then I guess I'm in the clear! I must've undid the change at some point, which I don't recall... but entirely possible, as I've been working on this same mod for 6½ years now, and I've periodically cleaned it using TESAME - which seems to do basically the same thing as the Details list. So the problem (or lack thereof) is solved (I think)! Very much appreciate all your help.

OK; here's a possibiltity for what might be going on here. :) If I remember right, those cliff racer counts you're seeing in the CS are for cliff racers placed directly in the game world. And most cliff racers (and most other creatures) are NOT placed directly in the game world: they're included on leveled lists, and the leveled lists are what are actually placed in the game world.

For example: in Seyda Neen, on the point of land out past the lighthouse, you'll find a mud crab if your character is at level 1. But at some higher level (4th level?), you'll start getting cliff racers back there. And at still higher levels, you'll start seeing other creatures. If you edit the leveled list (in the CS) to remove the cliff racer, the Details list will show it as a change to the leveled list: it won't show any changes for cliff racers.

So I would suggest looking at the Details list for your mod again, and see if it shows any changes to leveled lists. If it does, write down the Object_IDs of those lists and then look at the same leveled lists in the original game (i.e., no mods, just the original .esm files) to see if you removed the cliff racers by removing them from the leveled lists (or by removing the leveled lists themselves).

If it turns out that you got rid of most of the cliff racers by editing (or deleting) leveled lists, then the way to undo the changes and get the cliff racer encounters back to normal is to use the Details list (as explained above) to clean the changes to those leveled lists. Because you do remember correctly: those cliff racers really are everywhere in the original game. :)
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Lady Shocka
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Post » Sat Jun 23, 2012 1:20 am

I'm interested in these extra steps.

1. Copy and paste the reference(s) you want to keep into another cell temporarily. Use 'Ctrl-Shift-V' for the pasting.
2. Clean the original cell normally (Details list or TESAME) to get rid of the unwanted reference changes.
3. Copy and paste the desired references from their temporary location back into the cleaned cell. Again, use 'Ctrl-Shift-V' for the pasting.
4. Clean the temporary holding cell normally. (I created a temporary interior cell, but I probably could have used any cell that didn't have changed references in it.)

If you use group select for the copy operations, saving and restoring multiple objects this way while cleaning a cell is a breeze.

The advantage of using 'Ctrl-Shift-V' is that the objects wind up back in the exact same place in their original cell. So there's no need to fiddle around getting them back in just the right place again.

As always, don't forget to backup your .esp file before cleaning.


The above comes in handy if you've addied a lot of new content to an existing cell (one that's part of the original game) and then realize you've inadvertently changed part of the original content. For example, you add new NPCs, containers, and other items to an existing shop, and then notice you put some of your new items in an existing container.

Without copying and pasting to another cell, undoing that unintended change would also mean cleaning all your other changes and then redoing everything in that cell from scratch.
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Kelsey Hall
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Post » Sat Jun 23, 2012 4:26 am


Oh, yes, I've done that, also using an empty interior. I guess I was wondering if you had any other method. Thanks for the reply though.
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Beat freak
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Post » Fri Jun 22, 2012 5:16 pm

Thanks guys - very useful information for future reference. I did not mess with the leveled creatures list so I think I should be good to go. And yes, 1200 (leveled) cliff racers sounds a lot closer to my recollection than 54 (no wonder I exterminated them at some point). :biggrin:
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