Hacking Killstreaks

Post » Fri Jun 22, 2012 8:33 pm

Given our Nanosuit's enhanced abilities, I think it would differentiate Crysis from other fps if we could hack electronic killstreaks during multiplayer. I personally would love being able to hack some sort of sentry turret killstreak up from the opposing team, and turn it against them. To balance it, there hacking process could take longer, and the person doing the hacking could be completely exposed (i.e no cloak/armor on) so anyone could kill you and stop the hacking. Having hacking balanced like this would make it so you would have to strategically think about how and where you're going to do it.

Then there's always bigger killstreaks like the ceph gunship, which obviously would be a lot harder to hack if you're exposed due to it's large damage bullets/bombs/whatever you wanna call it. Hacking this would require/encourage teamwork in one of two ways. You could simultaneously hack it, which could speed up the process. Or you're team could distract it while you hack it. To sum this all up, I think the electronic hacking ability in multiplayer would make Crysis unique and give it a "fun" atmosphere while also encouraging more team work in game modes like TIA, AND differentiate it a little more from COD.

Thoughts on this?
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kat no x
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Post » Sat Jun 23, 2012 5:13 am

Sounds interesting though I don't know how that could work
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Post » Sat Jun 23, 2012 12:56 am

I'd prefer it if, instead of pressing a button and having an AI control a vehicle for a few minutes, we actually got the vehicles delivered down to us. That way we could pilot them, and enemies could board them either by stealing them as they're delivered, or boarding and forcibly removing the driver. Much more fun than a hacking minigame.
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Scott Clemmons
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