» Sat Jun 23, 2012 12:12 am
I have already posted on this subject numerous times, as well as made my own thread for this.
They won't cripple multiplayer OR singleplayer because they can start working on co-op later as a dlc. It will also make a longer life for the game, and it will make money for Crytek, as well as give us a great game to play.
EDIT: They can also do online co-op..
In order to do co-op ... need to pay people for the work
Also will need expenses for advertising this DLC .. no less than for the game itself ..
Taking into account the needs of customers ..
Customers dont want to buy a small DLC which is a CO-OP alone is ... for 15-20 $ to play once
Same four multiplayer maps, new weapons and one theme for the PSN and Xbox live ..
It will be more in demand ..
What I would like to see as DLC .. is Editor on consoles .. like a Far Cry 2 where people can make there own maps .. another people can download and play on ..
I hear in Far Cry 3 also will be editor ..
If Crytek will do 3 or 4 DLC for Crysis 3 .. i hope last one will be editor like in Far Cry 2-3 .. for 30-35 $ ..
I think this one make a longer life for the game ..also i think this will raise the sales of the game
Of course if the editor will be from the start .. as DLC i think this will raise the sales also after..
Editor with a limit of 40,000 objects ... also with grass, trees, rocks.. where you can make the mountains .. skyscraqers that are in the game not all but some of them , explosive barrels, ladders, etc. .. in general the objects that were used in the game..easy, accessible interface as in Far Cry 2 editor and etc..
I think will be very strong demand on this.. if Crytek will do this