Hello there. My name is Marcas Norman. I am a simple wastelander. The date I discovered this legend was December 12, 2257. That day was the day that I first heard of a old pre-war tale. It was in The Drunken Mirelurk, a bar in what used to be Tampa, Florida. I was getting drunk. Big time. They have great whiskey there... but back to the story. Not many people were in there that day, just a few of the regulars.
I was relaxing in there, drinking some scotch, when I heard it. The two people sitting next to me were talking about a story. A story of immense wealth. I began to listen to the tale. It was of a city, made compleatly out of gold. The streets, the houses, the stores, everything! They called it El Dorado. But, what caught my ear most is that they mentioned that something like it may exsist out here, in this wasteland of earth. They started arguing about it.
"Bah! Something like that? A city made of wealth? Bah!" One man said.
"Its true! My friend said he saw it with his own eyes!" The other man fought back with.
"So why didnt he bring it with him?"
"The Cave it was in began to collapse!"
I had heard enough. This sounded intersting, and I was drunk. I stood up, pointed at them and said "Gentlemen, I bet I could find this El Dorado of the Wastes, and to prove it, I'll bring back whatevers in there!"
I didnt know what I was getting into, but later I regretted drinking that last bottle of scotch.
Sorry the intro is so short, but I havnt had enough time to make it longer. Chapter one SHOULD be up sometime tomorrow, if not the day after because I dont have accsess to Word yet, but I will tomorrow