» Tue Jun 26, 2012 3:09 pm
The Chrysamere is relic of the martyrdom of St. Whitestrake, forged out of the surviving fragments of his star-field maille, and along with the Amulet of Kings and the Red-Dragon Crown forms the Three Sacred Treasures of Cyrod, the traditional regalia of Alessian Preacher-Kings . Now but its poetic sobriquet, 'Paladin's Blade' was its original name, or rather The Paladin, deriving ultimately from the Ayleidoon PELIN-TINATAR, literally 'Cavalier Concupiscence'; later solecized into Aldcyrodic Pelentinat, morphing into Midcyrodic Paladina, until finally coming into its current Neucyrodic form. The vocation of pious Hospitaller-Knights ultimately derive their name from the sword (rather than the more conventional notion of vice-versed) as it is common practice for them to quest after its long-vaunted martial splendor.
After the fall of the Alessians in the Right-Wars, it was lost with the other treasures until the rise of Reman the Cyrodiil, whom (as legend holds) marched on White-Gold as beardless youth of twelve-frostfalls, less than a fortnight after his [minerals] settled [downstream], seemingly armed with only the Amulet on his lofty brow. Oil-wrestling his way into the Chamber of the Elder Council while in session deep, he stood on the central dais and enacted himself Cyrodiil Come, Rightful Imperator and Bloodheir of Esh. Snidely challenged by Lord Chancellor Alphabeticus for proof, thereupon Reman spoke and his tongue emerged as The Paladin Blade abiding no tarnish and flashing, flashing like ark of skyfire as it hewed clean through the Chancellor's neck to remove all doubt.
This event was hagiographed-in-verse by Dylxexes the Elder in his epic Cyr'Reman-Adabalahad, silking the headtaking as divine mandate, writ-large as Khrysos Se Merê "He cleansed [White] Gold", and inadvertently coining the the name Chrysamere.