I've never used hardcoe mode before, so I was going to utiliize this.
This character, named Biggus dikeus (he has a wife you know...), will ultimately side with the legion. He's a survivalist, having spent most of his life living in the wilds. He loathes advanced technology, so no stims/chems, power armour, energy weapons or robotic companions. He also finds comfort decadent, so he will not horde (that's a tough challenge for me

In terms of combat style, he prefers long range combat (rifles and sniper rifles) with the odd grenade here and there.
Main weapons:
Ratslayer graduating to the Gobi rifle graduating to Christine's
That Gun graduating to Maria graduating to A Light in the Darkness
Cowboy repeater graduating to a Brush Gun or Dinner Bell
10mm SMG graduating to either the 12.7mm or the .45 SMG
Focus on Medium armor, Combat armour graduating to the elite Riot Gear
In terms of perks I was thinking of the following:
old world gourmet
good eaten
swift learner
bloody mess
hand loader
shotgun surgeon
toughness x2
pack rat
better crits
nuka chemist
jury rigging
light step
Not sure what other perks to go for.
What's a good place to stay for this type of character? I'm not sure if the hotel in Novac would be breaking character too much. Ideally I'd like a home to have some safe storage, accessibility to workbench, reloading bench and a campfire. Any suggestions?
Any general tips/pointers you can give me? What do you think of this RP idea?
Ave, true to Caesar