So something big must be coming then. From 2020 to 2023 to 2047.
Anyone else pondering the big gaps?
Will we see an expansion covering the aftermath of lingshan and the survivors of the incident? Or explanations for the time gaps.
Will we see this come to fruition at one point?
Thank you very much for creating such thread, i was going to ask the same questions as there are two things i am trying to understand here.
How is Prophet is going to return however he *SPOILERS* "Killed Himself" *END OF SPOILERS* in C2 and he Alcatraz was with us since the beginning of the game?
Second thing, What is going to bridge the gap from 2023 to 2047 as there is a 24 years gap between C2 and C3 so this gap has to be bridge besides that i read in a post in the below link
That we'll get to see Pyscho again.
There are a lot of unanswered questions that makes my wonder how will things work out.
mind was stored inside of the N2. It was then assimilated into Alcatraz's brain.