Noobs need love too.

Post » Sun Jul 01, 2012 5:58 am

I am a newcomer to the world of multiplayer. Crysis 2 is the first game in which I have attempted multiplayer competition. I enjoy playing Crysis 2, but I find that I am not very good at it.That being said, I guess that makes me a newbie, or "noob", as we are so disparagingly referred to by some of the less enlightened players. "Elite", generally refers to those that are the best, however my personal observations would indicate that in Crysis 2, there are very few "elite" players.There are a lot of very skilled players in our community, but that doesn't necessarily make them the "best" players in the game. The best players are those that display moral attributes that most people respect and aspire to emulate. Status is not generally an indicator of an individuals moral and ethical propensities. I have watched and listened for a few months now and I find myself quite amused at the level of enmity some players display towards us "noobs", "low levels" and "fake reboots". Their constant babble about a utopian community in which they would be able to engage in spirited and exciting competition devoid of the inconvenience of having to contend with the handicaps that we "noobs" foist upon them, is laughable. Without us who you so disdain, there would be no community for you to frolic and gamble in. Honestly, where would you be without us? Which of you can say that your stats are not padded with the beatdowns of many (this is one of my favorite terms we are referred to by) anonymous scrubs? I hope that one day you will get your wish and you will be able to compete in an environment free of "noobs", because while you are all kneeling before the throne of the King of Crysis 2, paying homage and declaring your fealty to him.(You all know who he is. Allegedly, "noob" is part of his gamer tag.), all of us "noobs", "low levels", "fake reboots" and "scrubs" will be enjoying competition free from the omnifarious intrusions of "fake elites". Next time you get the urge to disparage one of us players that doesn't meet your level of expectation, a simple "thank you" will suffice. I believe that we are all smart enough to know that this doesn't apply to all players, some are excellent stewards of the Crysis community. To those who are not, if I might be so bold, I suggest you go play with yourself.
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Sherry Speakman
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Post » Sat Jun 30, 2012 11:47 pm

Entertaining post, but missing paragraphs man xD
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Brandi Norton
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Post » Sat Jun 30, 2012 11:45 pm

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Ian White
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