Much like my Altmer thread, I want to a chronicle of known lore about the Aureals (not what you expected?

Here's some questions I have:
Has there been any given reason as to why males are, unfortunately, treated to believe they are below the females? There must be some reason as to why they have a matriarchy. (Are there possibly some in game books I've somehow missed?)
Can males hold high military positions? We only know one male, Mirel, who was a scout, but that's about all. It seems that all of the Aurmazls are female, though this could just be a game thing.
Do they feel love? If so, how do you think they would react to it? Do you think they would see it as some sort of weakness to the mind, or do you think they may truly be romantic hearts at the core? (

(^This question is more than likely to be pure conjecture.)