Now, for this character, the focus has been on Criticals, and I've appropriated my perks and equipment to suit this particular playstyle. I'll tell ya, Light Touch, Shotgun Surgeon and And Stay Back combined with a Riot Shotgun and Joshua Graham's Armour is the [censored].
Thing is, I didn't really consider this back in Goodsprings, so never took the Built to Destory trait. So I ask, is it worth having the Sink Auto-Doc perform a psyche evaluation? Perhaps it appears to be a given, but Ithought it could be a little jarring with the 15% decay rate. Maybe Raul's Regular Maintenance Perk would act to counterbalance the negative aspects? Just want some thoughts.
On a totally seperate tanget, this is my fourth playthrough of New Vegas, and I'm astonished at how fresh the game remains. I play from my character's perspective, and the possibilities for development are sublime. Every decision you make has conseqeunces, and it forces you to think. This is why I find Ulysses so fascinating; behind all that pseudo-philosophical nonsense, there's a message which rings very true. Consider the consequences of your actions and accept responsibility. Do not blindly follow a symbol, but ponder the ramifications. Normally, I find this kind of obfuscation pretentious and frankly irritating, but Obsidian wrote it masterfully, as I just thought I'd show some appreciation there

I've been lurking these forums for a while but haven't really got too involved. I think it's now time to step up and get stuck in all these riley debates

I suppose after three previous playthroughs, I should have realised this a while ago, but it's only just hit me, and it's done so as profoundly as any video game could do. Begs the question, why the [censored] haven't I played Fallout and Fallout 2 yet?! I know all about them, so I've no problem understanding all the references, but I'm still to sit down and play 'em. I've heard Tactics is a bit of an acquired taste, so should I try it? I'm skint so can't afford much atm

Anyway, I went off on one a bit and I'm not sure if this was the appropriate section to post in, whatever. Viva New Vegas

ADDENDUM: Blah! Typo in the title! Mods??