Old Computer Mod suggestions

Post » Sat Jul 07, 2012 7:30 pm


Dell Inspiron E1505 Laptop
Windows Vista Fully Updated
nVidia Ge Force Go 7300 128 MB GPU
20 GB HD Space available out of 60 GB Total
2 GB Ram

I want to load a handful of mods to improve the game experience, but I can't find any specs when I browse them on Gamespy Planet Elder Scrolls. I would love Overhaul 2.0, but I think it would blow up my computer. How do I know what the specs are for mods? These are my goals in modding Morrowind:

1. Improved graphics my laptop can handle
2. Improved sound
3. 5-10 mods that improve game play, but no God mods that make it easier, I like a challenge

Basically, I don't want to change the game, just make it more fun visually/game play wise/sound experience.

Please let me know any suggestions you may have. Perhaps 5-10 mods you would use if you had my computer.

The answer, "get a new laptop", doesn't work right now, I have my eyes on one, but I just bought my wife a new laptop, and the funds just aren't there.

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Vickytoria Vasquez
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Post » Sat Jul 07, 2012 10:57 am

Better Bodies, Liztails New Beast Bodies (for the better look of bodies)
Darknut's textures in 512 resolution might be an improvement you can handle?
Maybe for textures in general, get one of the older texture packs. Those are less demanding?
Atmospheric Sound Effects is somekind of a sound enhancer?
Slartibartfass has some very good texture fixes for the landscapes
Morrowind Code Patch, Timeslips Exe optimizer are a must if you want to decrease the number of crashes (I guess you won't need the 4GB patch for obvious reasons, but you might want to install that anyways)
Morrowind Patch Project (BTB has a fixed version of the 1.6.5-Beta version that has deleted the errors)
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Sierra Ritsuka
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Post » Sat Jul 07, 2012 5:49 pm

If you can run the game, you can use almost any mod you want.
New textures will have no noticeable drawback on performance, so add all you want. Some of the new meshes with tons of polys (of which there are few) might slow you down a bit, but shouldn't be too demanding.

What to avoid... Using MGE for anything like shaders, Distant Land, etc is likely out of the question.
Mods that add lots of NPCs in one create a big demand on the game.
Mods that have complicated scripts that run all the time, or mods that need MWSE might be too much.

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