Dell Inspiron E1505 Laptop
Windows Vista Fully Updated
nVidia Ge Force Go 7300 128 MB GPU
20 GB HD Space available out of 60 GB Total
2 GB Ram
I want to load a handful of mods to improve the game experience, but I can't find any specs when I browse them on Gamespy Planet Elder Scrolls. I would love Overhaul 2.0, but I think it would blow up my computer. How do I know what the specs are for mods? These are my goals in modding Morrowind:
1. Improved graphics my laptop can handle
2. Improved sound
3. 5-10 mods that improve game play, but no God mods that make it easier, I like a challenge
Basically, I don't want to change the game, just make it more fun visually/game play wise/sound experience.
Please let me know any suggestions you may have. Perhaps 5-10 mods you would use if you had my computer.
The answer, "get a new laptop", doesn't work right now, I have my eyes on one, but I just bought my wife a new laptop, and the funds just aren't there.