Found the problem, you're going to kick yourself when you read this: I noticed the Keening BSA is literally named just "Keening", so I changed my ini file to reflect that, and most of my old errors went away. Only things not loading are some Dwemer meshes/textures, and foot parts. I can probably fix that.
Thanks for figuring that out

I was hoping it was something like that. I'll just change the file name when I release it. Or, better yet, just change the install instructions.
As for the dwemer textures and such, there is an update on the downloads page that fixes that - just a 1.5 mb download.
Notes on that issue:
Error report from neildarkstar, broken down and addressed
Not able to find Foot part in KO_Pink_Boot_Stockings_BP.
Not able to find Foot part in KO_Pink_Boot_Stockings_BP.
Not able to find Foot part in KO_Brown_f_boot_f.
Not able to find Foot part in KO_Brown_f_boot_f.
Not able to find Foot part in KO_Brown_f_boot_f.
Not able to find Foot part in .ranger_boots.
Not able to find Foot part in .pirate_boots.
Not able to find Foot part in .pirate_boots.
Not able to find Foot part in KO_leather_boots_long.
Not able to find Foot part in .pirate_boots.
Not able to find Foot part in .pirate_boots.
- ANSWER: known errors from clothiers of vvardenfell. Game should function properly. Added to the to-do list.
TES3Stream Warning: Model "Meshes\KN\Dwrv\door_dwrv_load00.nif" tex not found "Textures\KN\Dwemer\"!
Texture Load Error!: Textures\KN\Dwemer\
TES3Stream Warning: Model "Meshes\KN\Dwrv\ex_dwrv_ruin30.nif" tex not found "Textures\KN\Dwemer\"!
Texture Load Error!: Textures\KN\Dwemer\
TES3Stream Warning: Model "Meshes\KN\Dwrv\ex_dwrv_observ00.nif" tex not found "Textures\KN\Dwemer\"!
Texture Load Error!: Textures\KN\Dwemer\
- ANSWER: problems with incomplete rexture conversion to a new tileset. The following dummy textures have been added:
Textures\KN\Dwemer\ (copy of metal00)
Textures\KN\Dwemer\ (copy of wall60)
Textures\KN\Dwemer\ (copy of lens00b)
TES3Stream Warning: Model "Meshes\f\flora_tree_wg_08_KNa.nif" tex not found "textures\"!
TES3Stream Warning: Model "Meshes\f\flora_tree_wg_08_KNa.nif" tex not found "textures\"!
Texture Load Error!: textures\
Texture Load Error!: textures\
TES3Stream Warning: Model "Meshes\f\flora_tree_wg_08_KNa.nif" tex not found "textures\"!
TES3Stream Warning: Model "Meshes\f\flora_tree_wg_08_KNa.nif" tex not found "textures\"!
Texture Load Error!: textures\
Texture Load Error!: textures\
- ANSWER: missing files from adding vurt's trees. The following textures have been added:
Texture "Textures\Tx_rockyscrub_01.tga" count 3.
Texture "Textures\enviro" count 3.
Texture "Textures\_land_default.tga" count 3.
Texture "Textures\" count 4.
Texture "Textures\" count 2.
- ANSWER: origin of missing files is unknown.
City's even more laggy for me than before.

Yep - I'm proud of the level of detail, and I'm aware that Keening technically has higher system requirements than vanilla Morrowind - but seeing as it's ten years later, I made the decision to try to move my content forward, especially with Open MW coming up soon, and the fact that computers themselves have moved forward as well. My own computer is not powerful enough to run shadows in MGE XE, or any kind of distant land, but I can run Keening, so I used that as a guide when building it. Let the pieces fall where they may.