I'm planning on buying Morrowind Goty on eBay and I often see either a Platinum Hits or goty disc with it. Is there a difference between them? I plan on using it with the latest model 360 and connected to Xbox Live.
Mother of god. Do you also still use Internet Explorer? How old is your laptop?
On Safari on my Asus laptop right now. Using Vista and I believe it's 4-5 years old. As you can tell I don't play games on PC and do nothing else that would require heavy lifting in terms of technology.
On Safari on my Asus laptop right now. Using Vista and I believe it's 4-5 years old. As you can tell I don't play games on PC and do nothing else that would require heavy lifting in terms of technology.
The game came out in 2002 so it should be able too run it.