So I'm trying to do a personal modification (thus, not available to the general public) to the mod for FONV, in an attempt to make it function more like the for FO3. Namely, I'd like to make it so that the stealth field and the night vision options can be toggled on and off without having to equip different versions of the same armor or accessory. Something of the, but I dislike the lowered stats and the suit power limitations.
Problem is, I'm no good at scripting, and I can't really tell the differences between the three different mods to put it into the regular FONV version. I'd also like to make it so that the night vision effect can be toggled on and off with the visor while it has the Spotter/Living Anatomy perk effect of the Enhanced Targeting Sensor Visor addon stay on by default, and I don't know if that's even possible.
Does anyone have any ideas on how I would go about this?