In what now seems to me like a personal gaming saga, (and quite amazingly) I purchased Oblivion way back when it first released (2006?) and still have yet to complete it. The reason being that something caused me to postpone my first play-through, and by the time I returned to it, there were a plentiful number of excellent mods. So, I couldn't imagine playing an unmodded, vanilla game at that point. Trouble was, installing so many mods meant the game didn't work quite right (I didn't build up gradually — I wanted my first experience of the game to be at its best...and I'm not the type to play a game multiple times). And the mod installation and error-checking was so time consuming that that put me off completely. And so I was caught in a catch-22 — either play an unmodded game with the knowledge that it isn't nearly what it could be, or spend countless hours seeking, reading about, installing and ensuring the compatibility of mods. I'll admit that I've had multiple false starts over the past six years, but I never managed to get it right (I even played through Fallout 3 during this time — which I bought upon release and played before any major mods could be released...I'd learned my lesson and wanted to avoid any temptation). My most recent attempt was pretty successful, but it was on a somewhat dated Win XP rig and I found the game was load stuttering unacceptably (framerates were fine, however). So, I yet again set the game aside until I had a newer, more powerful PC.
Which I now have. Only it runs Win 7 64-bit. And I want to make sure that the game, the Shivering Isles expansion (which I've since acquired), and the multitudes of mods out there that I seem incapable of playing without will all work.
Anything I should know before I dive back in and give it a final try? I'm also curious as to whether the Nehrim total mod will work on Win 7 as well.
I'm grateful for any comments or input.