1.) Mods
I'd like to ask my fellow modders what they use/suggest as mods I should put in my build to further my science-like experience. It doesn't matter if it's a mod to build bots, a neat looking lab coat, or a quest line mod where I use my skills rather extensively, or even requires both repair and science in copeuis amounts, just so long as it's relevant to the character.. I just want to know which mods can help me make the most out of this. What do you guys use?
And it does matter if it's good, evil, or which faction.. my character's path will be decided by what's available.
2.) Play Style/Prep Work
Playing such a character is rather new to me, as I seem to always be playing some battle hardened gun slinger, which is why I decided to go this route. But I want to make sure I set the skills of this character up so as to really feel like a scientist rather than a gun towing one man army.
Clearly science and repair are a must, but after that I am unsure of what to focus on to achieve this goal. Energy weapons are prolly going to be my weapon of choice, rather than guns, but when it comes to armor and the like, I am unsure of my route.. is it better to go mostly unarmored like the NPCs and hope for the best, or to arm up?
If I do go the "Great mind but frail shape" route, I'd prolly have to rely on companions, but is reliance in them actually possible in this game? Also any cations from my fellow players like "don't take this SPECIAL down to X level because.." would be helpful. Although intel is clearly one that seems obvious, I wonder if say, lower strength too far makes weapons too hard to use.
Perhaps it's lame of me to ask all that, but this is my first character played in this manner, and I want to do it right.