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Beasts of Vvardenfell
Version 1.1
By Crankgorilla
Adds creatures to the leveled lists. They will spawn along with the standard creatures and add more variety to the line up.
Collected here are over 80 creatures from around the community. Each one has been hand crafted and statistically balanced to provide an above standard challenge. The creatures have been leveled up to around level 30 where the larger beasts will emerge. These will be dangerous. So be wary and carry a healthy supply of potions.
Beasts will appear in set locations. Tombs will have creatures suited and various regions will spawn creatures suited to the area.
Many creatures have magical abilities and effects. Creatures also have opposite effect damage. So a fire creature will take more damage from a ice attack and some have various other weaknesses. The goblin prospecters are a favorite. They prospect for the ores of Vvardenfell and can be found carrying gold nuggets, glass and ebony. They also throw smoke grenade to blind you while they beat a hasty escape. There's many features like this such as poisonous bites and elemental attacks. Stat damagers and long term poisons. A racer has a shriek that damages your personality a small degree. It may not seem much but long term stints in the wild could see you return to town barely sane. Potions and shrines will become more important to visit.
There is so much here I cannot remember it all. Beasts is the result of months of work. It is an ongoing project that will progress further in the future. This version 1.1 is a better version than it's predesixr therefore a worthy release.
Release the Beasts of Vvardenfell once more.
Version 1.1 notes
Only a few standard creatures have been altered
- Netch betty and Netch bull now carry netch glands as an ingredient.
- Scamp now have scamp fur ingredient.
- Guar now carry guar tongue as an ingredient.
I'll probably remove these features in the next version and have it in a separate mod.
- More new creatures to the line up.
Anything that did not work in previous versions has been removed. Like the silt striders which just got jammed on terrain. Any features you dislike can be edited easily in the c.s all ID is BOV_Creature_01 so things are all grouped in the cs and easy to find. You can access the data in game by pressing console (~ key) and clicking on the object/creature. This is always useful to pick out features in a mod, but relies on distinctive catalogue system. BOV if you hadn't figured, stands for Beasts of Vvardenfell.
You can contact me at wherever you downloaded this if you want to make any suggestions or have noticed a bug that needs stomping.
Or you can just wait for Version 1.2
This mod will be compatable with any other. The only exception being the standard creatures added ingredients. I could always make a separate mod if it becomes an issue. I was tempted to remove them but we'll see how it goes.
Work has been focused on statistical balance over version 1.0
Some reshuffling of where creatures appear has been done.
A few creatures were late additions and have not been sighted by me. If there's any issues it can be resolved in the next version. Just flick me a message or post on where you got this mod from. Such a large mod with so many variables. I'm but one playtester so any help is appreciated.
Someone mentioned I need to do a bestiary catalogue. The suggestion was noted but not completed for this version. Time constraints have restricted me to writing just half.
I want to push this out as a huge improvement over 1.0 which was basically a beta. This has taken the lessons learnt through much playtesting and used it to refine the workings statistically.
Hopefully you will be pleased with this package.
Thankyou for downloading Beasts of Vvardenfell.
Take time to browse the Credits.
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