The rest of the constellations and their RL counterparts are:
Tamriel: Earth:
Morning Star = The Ritual = January 20 - February 18 = Water Bearer, so Water Bearer = The Ritual.
Sun's Dawn = The Lover = February 19 - March 20 = Fishes , so ""
First Seed = The Lord = March 21 - April 19 = Ram.
Rain's hand = The Mage = April 20 - May 20 = Bull.
Second Seed = The Shadow = May 21 - June 20 = Twins.
Mid Year = The Steed. = June 21 - July 22 = Crab.
Sun's Height = The Apprentice = July 23 - August 22 = Lion.
Last Seed = The Warrior = August 23 - September 21 = Virgin.
Heartfire = The Lady = September 22 - October 23 = Scales.
Frostfall = The Tower = October 24 - November 21 = Scorpion.
Sun's Dusk = The Atronach = November 22- December 21 = Archer.
Evening Star = The Thief. = December 22 - January 19 = Goat.
Am I the only one doing this? I think it's pretty cool, now I know why I run faster in the summer
What's your constellation?