I took the strider to Balmora, joined up, and to make a long story short, went on to perform the pilgrimage of the Seven Graces.
Anyways, after a long playtime, I accidentaly managed to catch the Vampire disease, Porhpyric Hermophilia.
Then for some reason I lost my interest in MW for a while, until recently I felt like playing again.
Somehow I must have forgotten about my Vampirism, because I was quite surprised to wake up as one.
Already acquainted with vampirism from earlier gameplays, I knew how fun it can be to play as one. But, I also wanted to remain a faithfull servant of the Temple. And I can't be both, my roleplay would never allow me to play as a Vampire Temple member.
So a few opinions would be very welcome, I really don't know wether to play as a Vampire or get myself cured and finish my pilgrimage.