I came upon Camp Golf and discovered the 'Lucky 38 VIP Card'. After some deliberation, I decided to take it. At that time I haven't made my way to The Strip to do 'Ring-A-Ding Ding!'
...This is where it might get funky. I ignored Victor / going to the Lucky 38, went straight to The Tops Casino, and turned Benny's head into hamburger. I talked to Yes Man and figured trying this as an independent. As a result, I have been granted the 'Wild Card Side Bets' and 'Wild Card: Change in Management' quests.
Does anyone with more FO: NV experience forsee an issue for my character in the future?
BTW, current companions are Ed-E and Veronica (Boone is in waiting). I know one quest wants me to talk to the BoS, which is making me think I should trigger her quest 'I Could Make You Care'. Any thoughts? I've made game saves 'pre-action' in case.