Weapon zoom bug (weapon takes half my screen)

Post » Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:17 pm

For some reason this started tonight and it happens on all my saves, different characters, different weapons (more on some and less on some) and it's making the game unplayable for me.

What happens is that when I zoom in a weapon it shows both a cross-hair and the true iron sight (doesn't matter if I turn it on or off) and the weapon is very oddly positioned. Laser pistol for instance is positioned so high that it's several centimetres above the cross-hair and I can't see a thing... Basically if I zoom in any weapon that isn't using a scope, I see the weapon blocking close to my entire screen.

I've tried with and without all mods, doesn't make a difference.

I'm out of ideas and I'm frustrated, please help me :/
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Natalie Taylor
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