At the first run of the game I've found 1 point on each of possible category of unlocks(wepon unlock point, weapon attacment, each of nanosuit module). I thought: "Hm... It would be better to unlock possiblility to unlock this module (at 6th level of nanosuit) and only after unlock module". But before I'd activated Sniper Rifle and Defence module. I played 1 day with "success" with these items. At the next day I'd found, that sniper rifle is locked, all points are missed. And only Defence module is active(It is the only thing that didnt dissapear).
I've already wrote 3-4 times to EA support, result is nothing(only redirecting here and asking for a waiting up to 6-48 hours).
So... I'm asking you to help me. How can I recieve these points back and wth was that?