First, a "battlemage": I'd focus on long blades for melee, destruction for ranged, restoration for healing, conjuration occasionally, and restoration and alteration for utility.
Male Breton
Birthsign: Apprentice
Specialization: Combat
Favored attributes: Endurance, Strength
Major skills: Long Blade, Heavy Armor, Restoration, Destruction, Armorer
Minor skills: Enchant, Alteration, Speechcraft, Mysticism, Conjuration
And my other option is some kind of spear using combat thief with a bit of magic. It has a high agility pretty early on, which could be useful, I think. But it has too little magicka to use spells as more than utility.
Male Dark Elf
Birthsign: Lover
Specialization: Combat
Favored attributes: Agility, Endurance
Major skills: Spear, Light Armor, Marksman, Sneak, Alchemy
Minor skills: Armorer, Alteration, Speechcraft, Mysticism, Restoration
As I'm probably going to make both at some point in time, I'm just wondering which one could be best for learning the game, and get some advice on both builds. Thanks.