Ok so I got from reading other posts all over the net that I wasn't supposed to talk to Capt. Whatshisbutt after I talked to Lt. Boyd. Needless to say I did and any saves I had before that are long gone. Am I completely screwed for saving the monorail? If I sneak up on the Capt. in the tower he just stands there and says nothing (so I can't eavesdrop on him). If I confront him, kill him, talk to Col. Hsu and then head to the monorail, it blows up before I can board it. The suggestion of sneaking up on the guardrail into the monorail doesn't work. So am I completely shafted? After all this time the game has been out Bethesda still hasn't come out with a xBox 360 fix for this? Someone please let me know. This will pretty much ruin the game for me. All I want to do is disarm the bomb, save the monorail and therefore complete this quest. Ugh!!!