11 feasible improvements for Crysis 3.

Post » Sun Jul 29, 2012 5:28 pm

Here 11 feasible things we need to have in Crysis 3.

1)Mute/turn-off Nanosuit voice: we asked for this is Crysis 2 and it was not delivered BUT this time we must have it...Crysis 1 had it.
2)Region filters for the online.
3)PS3 version must have the same resolution of the Xbox version: Dgital Foundry proved that Xbox 360 benefits from a 12.5 per cent resolution boost over the PlayStation 3 version of the game.
4)OHK melee.
Melee was terrible in Crysis 2, this time give us a OHK melee because, frankly, punching people always ended in a silly ballet: it was so ridiculous and frustrating.
Make so that each melee consume Nanosuit's energy to balance that.
5)Running should not consume Nanosuit's energy: jut make a stamina bar separated from the energy bar.
We din't have speed in Crysis 2 so no reason for run to drain energy also in Crysis 1 you could run without consuming energy.
Cloak/armor should drain more Nanosuit's energy while running as in Crysis 2.
6)Make the Gauss Rifle OHK: to balance it make so that it fires very, very slowly or make it bolt-action.
7)Make the air stomp a basic ability for everyone and not a Module.
8)Let us change scopes/sights in multiplayer as in single-player if we have unlocked them.
Only scope, no other weapon mod.
9)Give Nanovision a separate energy bar like you did for night vision in Crysis 1.
10)Clocked players should be visible to the naked eye only within a very small range.
In Crysis 2 you where perfectly visible while cloaked even several meters away and it was terrible.
11)Marked enemies should have RED arrows over their heads not mild GRAY that you barely can see.

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Jessica Phoenix
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Post » Sun Jul 29, 2012 12:24 pm

Just to be pedantic, you've mis-spelt the word "singleplayer" in Point 8.

However, I agree with everything you've said. 11 quality ideas in the OP.
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Post » Sun Jul 29, 2012 4:55 am

OHK melee: Terrible idea, like OHK anything other than sniper headshot TBH.

Sprint: Regular sprint should consume NOTHING. A MAXIMUM SPEED (much faster, like Crysis 1) sprint that consumes energy (and plenty of it) is perfectly OK.

Gauss Rifle OHK: No. So as not to have it be redundant with Sniper rifle, one of them should be a OHK headshot weapon and the other one shouldn't, but the OHK weapon would do little damage anywhere else while the other weapon would do plenty of armor-piercing damage anywhere.

Air Stomp: This is a great idea actually.

Weapon customization: Why the hell not allow full customization in-game instead of just scopes? Everyone has access to it, so it is balanced.

Nanovision: Yes. Yes please. Great idea. Although it should consume this separate energy faster than NVG did in Crysis.

Cloaked players: The whole point of cloak is that you aren't really invisible, just a blurred silhouetthe that's much harder to spot while not moving and to shoot at while moving! Full invisibility, no matter how much distance, is a TERRIBLE idea. Think of the campers.

Enemy tagging: TBH I'd just remove this "feature" altogether, as tagging a player effectively breaks any further attempt at stealth they might try until they die, and tagging people is extremely easy.
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Post » Sun Jul 29, 2012 2:44 am

1. Yes nano voice gets annoying, easily, doable

4.OHK melee? someone didn't play the beta..... Melee was so OP you could run around punching people the whole match with a KD of 27-3

5. Running WILL consume extra energy when in cloak, its not much of a design issue, but a more systematic and feasible issue, it happened in C1, it transferred to C2, moving in cloak, forces the nanosuit to " work overtime" to compensate.

If anything, cloak needs to get SMASHED in C3, no moar cloak enhance, none of that cr*p, C1 had the most balanced cloak in gaming history, it was loud and obnoxious, and consumed tremendous energy, and was only resorted to long distance, none of this, "Run around in cloak the entire match stuff"

Air stomp needs to be mandatory default

The whole issue with Crysis 2 revolved around cloak and faulty armor, which forced players to resort to Over Powered cloak.

Finally, we need hip fire, seriously Crytek, im serious, this is my serious face... C2 was a CoD rip, yes, yes it was, dont deny it, even Cevat refereed to it as "CoD mixed with Halo". Hip fire should be the PRIMARY method of fire, no ifs or butts!!!!!!!!! <----:)
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Post » Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:43 am

-OHK melee that consumes a lot of Nanosuit energy is balanced: 1 punch = 50-100% Nanaosuit's energy depleted.
I know OHK melee sounds scary but if I get close enough to you I deserve to OHK you.
It should consume energy so it's not cheap + that way stealth kill is still rewarding.
Think at it as a "super punch".

Actually OHK melee could be perfected and turned into an animation driven melee.
It could work like this:
Press melee = animation super punch that always connects = 100% energy consumption.

-If turned into a bolt-action weapon the Gauss can be a totally balanced OHK.
OHK rockets are OK but not Gauss?!

-Full customization while in match like in single-player is bad because if you have 3 underbarrel attachments unlocked (grnade lucher, Gauss, shotgun) you can switch between them easy.
Result: overpowered players/veterans that have played for longer.
Scopes/sights on the other hand don't unbalance the gamepaly: the are a situation mod that simply allows you to better adapt + if everyone can switch between them so it's fair.

-I din't say full invisibility.
Simply the far you are the less noticeable you should be.

Also a improved/better cloak can be balanced with distortion effects, electrical effects, flickers.
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Laura-Lee Gerwing
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Post » Sun Jul 29, 2012 1:11 am

Here 11 feasible things we need to have in Crysis 3.

1)Mute/turn-off Nanosuit voice: we asked for this is Crysis 2 and it was not delivered BUT this time we must have it...Crysis 1 had it.
2)Region filters for the online.
3)PS3 version must have the same resolution of the Xbox version: Dgital Foundry proved that Xbox 360 benefits from a 12.5 per cent resolution boost over the PlayStation 3 version of the game.
4)OHK melee.
Melee was terrible in Crysis 2, this time give us a OHK melee because, frankly, punching people always ended in a silly ballet: it was so ridiculous and frustrating.
Make so that each melee consume Nanosuit's energy to balance that.
5)Running should not consume Nanosuit's energy: jut make a stamina bar separated from the energy bar.
We din't have speed in Crysis 2 so no reason for run to drain energy also in Crysis 1 you could run without consuming energy.
Cloak/armor should drain more Nanosuit's energy while running as in Crysis 2.
6)Make the Gauss Rifle OHK: to balance it make so that it fires very, very slowly or make it bolt-action.
7)Make the air stomp a basic ability for everyone and not a Module.
8)Let us change scopes/sights in multiplayer as in single-player if we have unlocked them.
Only scope, no other weapon mod.
9)Give Nanovision a separate energy bar like you did for night vision in Crysis 1.
10)Clocked players should be visible to the naked eye only within a very small range.
In Crysis 2 you where perfectly visible while cloaked even several meters away and it was terrible.
11)Marked enemies should have RED arrows over their heads not mild GRAY that you barely can see.
4) NO! OHK melees are annoying in a game like this.
5) Running when out of energy, yes. Running with energy (used), yes
6)Gauss Rifle OHK, no
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Post » Sun Jul 29, 2012 4:34 am

One hit kill melees are just annoying. It's not fun that someone, who can't aim for crap can get kills just by using melee. It's frustating in CoD, frustating in Homefront, frustating in everything. Especially when it doesn't even require aiming. I would rather have it underpowered instead of one hit kill.

I would also disagree in Gauss Rifle being completely one hit kill. Maybe one hit kill to non-armoured players when the shots hits the upper chest, neck or head, but not entirely one hit kill.

Otherwise I somewhat agree with you.
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Cool Man Sam
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Post » Sun Jul 29, 2012 7:27 am

Nothing I say it's set in stone; I just think these are all feasible things.

Also OHK melee & Gauss are "flavor" choices so I don't expect them to made it...the other ones on the other hand are improvements that can only solve problems without adding none.
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