Here 11 feasible things we need to have in Crysis 3.
1)Mute/turn-off Nanosuit voice: we asked for this is Crysis 2 and it was not delivered BUT this time we must have it...Crysis 1 had it.
2)Region filters for the online.
3)PS3 version must have the same resolution of the Xbox version: Dgital Foundry proved that Xbox 360 benefits from a 12.5 per cent resolution boost over the PlayStation 3 version of the game.
4)OHK melee.
Melee was terrible in Crysis 2, this time give us a OHK melee because, frankly, punching people always ended in a silly ballet: it was so ridiculous and frustrating.
Make so that each melee consume Nanosuit's energy to balance that.
5)Running should not consume Nanosuit's energy: jut make a stamina bar separated from the energy bar.
We din't have speed in Crysis 2 so no reason for run to drain energy also in Crysis 1 you could run without consuming energy.
Cloak/armor should drain more Nanosuit's energy while running as in Crysis 2.
6)Make the Gauss Rifle OHK: to balance it make so that it fires very, very slowly or make it bolt-action.
7)Make the air stomp a basic ability for everyone and not a Module.
8)Let us change scopes/sights in multiplayer as in single-player if we have unlocked them.
Only scope, no other weapon mod.
9)Give Nanovision a separate energy bar like you did for night vision in Crysis 1.
10)Clocked players should be visible to the naked eye only within a very small range.
In Crysis 2 you where perfectly visible while cloaked even several meters away and it was terrible.
11)Marked enemies should have RED arrows over their heads not mild GRAY that you barely can see.