I just alt-tab out and use a notepad (ctrl+H to quickly replace all the symbols) to get over the cursor problem.
Also almost all cheaters will start a votekick against someone else when they start cheating, it gives them enough time to destroy the scoreboard.
Bit if you're fast and manage to recognize them the moment their name appears on scoreboard, you may be able to start a votekick before they can even start playing (I've managed this a few times).
But then nobody votes because the cheater hasn't started mass-killing everyone yet

There are also a plenty of other hackers who don't use @ in their names at all, they instead use unrecognizable ASCII symbols which don't even show up in their name. For example a guy called THE_Pain&Suffering but when he kills you his name actually shows up as THE_███████Pain&Suffering. These cheaters simply cannot be votekicked since the even the game can't recognize the symbols, using votekick > tab won't work either. A few others use cheats that fool the server into thinking they're someone else. The best you can do is leave the server.