U.S.A or American Empire - Bosmight342
The Vegas Federation - Objectivist123
Commonewealth of New England - Padawan228
MWBOS - LT Andronicus
ROA - Magus the Red
FoTa - Agrona
BOS - Aldin_Kiris
TR - tiber septem
Available Factions
Peoples Republic of Baja
Khan Empire
Michigan Federation
White House
When entering, all arrives from plane will land at AFB and head through the Metro. Or, arrivess can drive to Washington D.C, having to arrive in front of the White House Gate and enter where 2 APAMK3 guards and a Delta 2 Peacebringer Robots is loacted. Arriving, will be a D.C that no longer looks battered. The Mall looks clean, and many buildings have been restored. Washington and Lincoln Memorial are touched up. Embassy Row is located here, with several embassies from the different nations.
The convention will take place in the White House meeting room. There are two primary exits from the room which are located on both the east and west walls. In the center of the room, lies a massive metal table with a holographic map set into the center of it, which details the entirety of the area of the former Earth, and the locations and borders of the current nations and states which inhabit it. Around the circular table are many chairs, which are plush and comfortable. Enclave soldiers in APA MK3 and armed with Various Energy Weapons guard the doors, and several robobrains wait to serve the delegates refreshments. The place will have decorations.
They are expected to arrive shortly.