Speed Mode
- After having picked up Crysis Warhead, I fell in love with using that mode. It just feels so good to quickly speed jump in front of enemies, shoot them all down and quickly fall back. In multiplayer it could work too and make awesome longer firefights.
Better server connection/hit detection
- The terrible server connection completely ruined the multiplayer for me in Crysis 2. Not being a host was like having "Shoot me! I can't shoot you back!" sprayed all over you.
Armor mode to drain all energy before health
- To be honest, the armour mode didn't feel very useful in the multiplayer unless you had 90% energy while activating it. The negative effects (Bright like a christmas tree, a lot slower movement) made it even less fun to use. However, I don't want it to become as effective as in Crysis 2's singleplayer, the energy should drop faster than in there in my opinion.