I was never really into RPGs, just mostly FPS, sports, and the occasional Action game (Assassin's Creed series). However, I am just taken aback by the possibilities of open-world RPGs. I tried playing Fallout 3 on Xbox last spring but could never get into it due to the lack of realism, such as being able to tank a bunch of bullets, carrying an entire city on your back, and not having to eat or sleep. I also tried NV last summer but I couldn't get into that on Xbox either but I don't think I gave it a fair shot. Then, when Skyrim came out, I picked that up and stared playing, also on Xbox. I had problems with the lack of realism similar to in FO3, being able to care 23 warhammers and not having to eat or sleep. I gave RPGs a break for a little while until I learned about mods. Once school got out, I re-bought Skyrim for PC (I sold my Xbox copy) and started downloading some mods. I had to play with a lot of settings on my computer to get the game to run properly, but I finally got it working. I spent a long time doing that and researching/downloading/testing mods. I started over so many times that I burned myself out.
Recently, I bought FO3 and FNV on PC during the summer sale (awesome by the way

Should I do a vanilla playthrough first? (I've heard to do this with RPGs, although I have an idea of how Fallout games work and what I want changed)
What's a good playstyle for my character? (I'm starting to like the idea of a survivalist; That's one thing I like about FO over Skyrim is its about survival, not killing anything and everything)
Any other mods I need to have?
Any general tips/tricks?
As a final note, I don't like when things feel cheap in games. This can be as simple as somebody getting stuck on a rock as I'm trying to kill them, to taking loot from an enemy that makes me too powerful and makes things easy. My main point is that I like to struggle to survive in FO, just the way it would be if this were real

Thanks for any and all your help, and sorry if this was a long read. Happy gaming!