Jack of Trades, Perfectionist Build Help

Post » Wed Aug 08, 2012 5:08 am

Alright so I want to create a build that maxed out all skills to 100 and has the perks that allow a general usage of all weapon types. Not perfect usage obviously, but almost perfect. I want max crit rate, and the perks that are absolutely necessary for each weapon types, in order of importance:

1. Guns
2. EW
3. Explosives
4. Melee/Unarmed

The wiki states that with the perks Educated, Comprehension, and using every skill book available you'll be able to max out 100 skills at level 50 with 4 Intelligence. That said, intelligence is not a big deal. What I'm worried about is my SPECIAL and perk choices. I'm going to go through the perks list and pick out the perks needed for a full crit build (priority) + guns/ew/explosives/melee/unarmed.

I will be able to do this myself, but I figured I'd get some help from you all on the forums to speed up the process/show me anything I would have otherwise overlooked such as DLC-specific perks/SPECIAL buffs.

Note: All 10s in SPECIAL isn't exactly important, I'll only do that if I don't need any more perks.

At the end of this I'll be making a video-guide on how to get accomplish this type of build. I have a pretty decent production quality I'd say, so it should be a good video or series videos.

Thanks for any tips you can give me or any help at all. I'll be doing this on XBOX, so no console commands/mods available.
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