Welcome back, though I didn't consider you gone. You played here and there, just enough in my opinion to justify losing and to be very proud in beating all-day-and-night crysis 2 tryhards (you know who you are!) It's a great feeling playing Skyrim all week, and then getting on Crysis and getting wins for your clan, MVPS and 1st place finishes in clan matches. I feel like I'm getting a balanced diet of different games while still laying down the law. Lately I found that there is very little one can do to beat a team of smart people. I always pick the smart guy. But not everyone does. People make decisions based on what they see, for example in the game The Walking Dead, I chose to save the nerdy kid living in his moms basemant because he could program and solve complex problems over that hot Asian ckick with accurate aim. I chose to think with the right head.It has paid dividends. I will say that the reason Noobafied is one of the best players in Crysis 2, is because he is one of the smartest people playing crysis. After speaking with him, I now have greater insight into what makes him so good.