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Post » Fri Aug 10, 2012 12:25 pm

Hey guys,

Sick of double melees? Sick of losing your hard earned Maximum Armor in 1/3 of feline clip? Sick of Warp Strafes? Sick of of FY71 too?

Well I would like to create a scrimage of all current clan members (King, X, S2K, FOOT, NFCT, JOKR, HOWL, Etc) that tests out how a clan type match would look like without

1) Felines

2) Aim Enhance

3) Double melees

3***What I mean by three. Say you are travelling with a teammate, both you and your partner could get one melee in on the enemy for the kill, but not two melees by one person on another person for cheap easy kills.

It would encourage teamwork, playing closer together, and remove the need for AE3 when facing very good boxers. Ae3 can place you out of position from recieving the second melee, and thus save your life or get the kill.

I wonder how many people would be up for this? The feline is such a handicap for the top-tier players that I dont think it would be an easy sell. Im not smack talking but truely curious about how much more tactical and hence slower paced crysis 2 clan matches would be without the EXPLOIT factors of double melees and Aim Enhanced Felines.
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Post » Fri Aug 10, 2012 4:40 am

I can think of several top teir players that would be up for such a thing, especially those that mastered the Marshal (they would be able to shoot then melee for some nice quick kills without getting out-strafed in warp speeds. Of course me, the King of Sniping would more easily get kills on those not zigzagging in front of my scope. Those that use the Scar or Scarab would benefit greatly. Anyway this is not a war of words post. Please just sign here, and then be online 10pm Friday EST if your interested.
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David Chambers
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