» Sun Aug 12, 2012 11:18 pm
Well, that depends alot on your expectations of games. Since you've played Skyrim and Oblivion, you'll experience alot of the gameplay as outdated. There are no voice acting (except for initial greetings from NPC's), but there are however alot more dialogue, but you'll have to read through it. If you can put up with the reading of dialogue, you'll find yourself rewarded for that, as the dialogue is rich and has alot to offer in its contexts. The story of the game and the amount of content definitely makes it worth it imo, but you need to make an effort of immersing yourself, reading the dialogue, etc, as Morrowind can't really be played for its gameplay alone.
Also, something worth noting, there's absolutely no map markers pointing you to your quests. You'll have to make sure you've read through all the relevant dialogue before setting out on your quest, or you'll be at a loss of what to do.