crysis 2 is in my top 5 fav games loved it even though the multiplayer had alot of connection problems still i enjoyed and still play it but i always wiched there was a mode without the nanosuit i mean the nanosuit is awesome but still i wouldv loved to have the option!! is there any hope of this happening in crysis 3 ??
another quick question is the servers connection and what not gona be improved drastically or just improved?? lol
There is a mode without the nanosuit. TIA/IA Pro/Classic (not sure which). For whatever reason it was removed from regular matches, but you can play it in private match
yes i saw it when i first buy the game after a while a looked for the mode but didnt finde it and since i never heared of a game mode being remoed i though i was mistaken and that it never exited lool anyway its a real shame that they did remove it and i cant really use it in private match since i have like 4 ppl on my friend list and mostly play alone!!
There is a mode without the nanosuit. TIA/IA Pro/Classic (not sure which). For whatever reason it was removed from regular matches, but you can play it in private match
yes i saw it when i first buy the game after a while a looked for the mode but didnt finde it and since i never heared of a game mode being remoed i though i was mistaken and that it never exited lool anyway its a real shame that they did remove it and i cant really use it in private match since i have like 4 ppl on my friend list and mostly play alone!!